POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Dead line time ? : Re: Dead line time ? Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:01:26 EST (-0500)
  Re: Dead line time ?  
From: Roland Mas
Date: 3 Nov 1998 01:29:09
Message: <m3emrljni5.fsf@rpc66.acr.atr.co.jp>
ver### [at] aolcom (=Bob) writes:

> (Note: GMT is Greenwich Meridian Time also known as Universal Time or UT)

  Not quite: 0:00 GMT is 12:00 UT (noon), while 0:00 UT is midnight and
12:00 GMT.  (Oh man, don't tell me you're confused...  Nobody uses the
12-hour-cycles anymore, do they?)

Les francophones m'appellent Roland Mas,
English speakers call me Rowlannd' Mass,
Nihongode hanasu hitoha [Lolando Masu] to iimasu.
Choisissez ! Take your pick ! Erande kudasai !

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