POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : How POVRay works : Re: How POVRay works Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:35:01 EST (-0500)
  Re: How POVRay works  
From: ABX
Date: 7 Feb 2003 09:37:40
Message: <log74vc4nqv3ugsjp167laht573r6ka4i6@4ax.com>
On Fri, 07 Feb 2003 15:26:08 +0100, Jepessen <dan### [at] ciaowebit> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've a question about the rendering method of POVRay.
> When I deide to create a shape, how does program decide the meshing
> subdivision of the shape itself?

It does not make subdivision. Why do you think it does ?

> When I create shapes with other programs (like 3dstudio etc), I can
> decide with how many poligons I can create the shape. Even if I use
> NURBS models, that depends only by the form, the program convert
> shapes to polygons to create the image, and I can work on parameters
> that create this transformation.

The reason why POV-Ray is so accurate is because it usually use exact
equations for "shapes". While triangle and mesh objects are supported things
like cone, sphere, lathe are real curved surfaces.

> Have POVRay some command to modify this part of the program itself?

There is no "this part".

> Or it doesn't use polygons in rendering?


> How POVRay works, generally?

It is too general question. You have to be a little more specific.

BTW: there is one case where subdivision is actually used
(http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/167/ - Bicubic Patch) but it
is a very specific case.


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