POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Old Technology...Bluebird V : Re: Old Technology...Bluebird V Server Time
22 Dec 2024 15:05:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: Old Technology...Bluebird V  
From: Jet Jaguar
Date: 21 Apr 2003 23:46:11
Message: <joe9avsbjvhcb619ca9tj5nt38imntm0ag@4ax.com>
On Mon, 21 Apr 2003 10:43:42 EDT, "Renderdog" <slo### [at] hiwaaynet> said:

>Some great work here, especially the background. The pier, waves and sand
>are all perfect, and anyone who's been to Daytona would recognize the tire
>tracks in the sand as very accurate, a nice touch.

The pier was almost an afterthought.  I originally had the car running
the opposite direction, but the background was too plain.  I turned it
around and located it near the pier just to add some interest to the

>The aged photo look is very well done, and important to stress the old
>technology aspect of the image, as many people wouldn't recognize just
>how old the Bluebird is. It was a lot of work to create the sepia colors
>within the rules of the IRTC, and it was nice to read the description of
>the process and see the color images. Personally I think the rule is
>very limiting and would be glad to see it go, but I think I'm probably
>in the minority there.

The sepia tinting is an idea I've wanted to try since the "Worlds
Within Worlds" round, this was finally a topic that it fit well.
There's a second reason to do the sepia tint this way that made it
really the best solution.  In order to get the black "surface" dirt,
the underlying image would have to be tinted first.  Otherwise the
dirt would also be colorized by any post-process tinting unless I
rendered the two separately and compositioned them together.  Still, I
can't help to think there is an easier way to accomplish the effect
programmatically in the SDL, but I'm just not that skilled with the

>I feel the Bluebird itself could have used a few more details, or some
>additional textures that might make it look more real, to place it in
>the setting more solidly. One comment complained that the vehicle wasn't
>to scale, but it looks good to me.

One thing I wish I could have done was do something to make the rivets
stand out some more and still look realistic.

Jet Jaguar
Visit my crappy home page at http://home.att.net/~chmilnir/
MSTie #54297

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