POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.advanced-users : POV-Ray help site : Re: POV-Ray help site Server Time
2 Nov 2024 03:15:22 EDT (-0400)
  Re: POV-Ray help site  
From: Jerry
Date: 19 May 2000 12:00:11
Message: <jerry-4BAD6E.09001019052000@news.povray.org>
In article <nao8iso96g94sq9hg4vm09sj5mtrtgns6s@4ax.com>, Peter Popov 
<pet### [at] usanet> wrote:

>On Thu, 18 May 2000 08:03:38 -0700, Jerry <jer### [at] acusdedu> wrote:
>>I'd say don't host it at all, just use PHP and contact news.povray.org, 
>>perhaps caching the most popular requests automatically. I've 
>>occasionally considered doing a "best of" page of news.povray.org this 
>>way, but always decide that it's more fun to write basic tutorials.
>This could increase the povray.org traffic substantially and you know
>this traffic is paid for...

It should actually decrease traffic if they cache, which is what I 
suggested above. Also, it would decrease traffic because readers would 
no longer have to download everything to search for the good 
stuff--since his proposed site is an attempt to link to 'the good stuff' 
pre-selected. (The only way to search a newsgroup, currently, for 
something in the body is to download every file in the newsgroup. When 
you set your newsreader to search the body of messages, it is 
downloading every message that you tell it to search, whether you read 
those messages or not. There have been side remarks in these newsgroups 
to indicate that some people do search body text for information, 
multiple times.)

Ken said:
>Not to mention being in direct violation of the news server acceptable
>use policy which prohibits taking a feed from this news server.

Yes, but does this have anything to do with *how* the data gets 
transferred? The original suggestion was to download all posts and host 
them elsewhere. Are you saying that doing *that* would be acceptable to 
the policy, but linking and caching would not?

I was assuming that each case would require permission from the 
appropriate parties.


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