This looks like a good fix for now, but need to come up with a standard fix
for this round. Also, the vote counting software may choke on the long
filename. As I remember we are using the universal 8.3 format. I will
check with the admins about setting up a standard fix for this round.
Besides renaming the thumbnail, you must rename all of the other files. Then
you must also delete the vote.dat file before trying to load the second
Bob Franke
author of WinVote
>On the IRTC-L mailing list DiegoCG wrote...
>I experienced a problem loading thumbnails with Winwote. I fix it renaming
>files abesence3.* (9 characters long filename!) in absence3.*, and now it
>works. But having changed that, before I submit my vote, i wait for your
>I guess when I've voted I need to manually change the text file to submit
>renaming still the absence* in abesence* to match the original filenames.
>Thanks to all.
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