POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : current tpic Server Time
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  current tpic (Message 1 to 8 of 8)  
From: cajera
Subject: current tpic
Date: 29 Jun 2006 12:30:00
Message: <web.44a3fee5455d7ef3576a3df80@news.povray.org>
I sent my participation for the current topic by email, and I still do not
have an answer to know if my sending is well recorded. Remain one days. Can
make a new sending by Web Submissions ?

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From: St 
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 29 Jun 2006 14:14:03
Message: <44a4186b@news.povray.org>
"cajera" <nomail@nomail> wrote in message 
> Hello,
> I sent my participation for the current topic by email, and I still do not
> have an answer to know if my sending is well recorded. Remain one days. 
> Can
> make a new sending by Web Submissions ?

      Hi Cajera

          Send by web submission! I had exactly the same problem for the 
last topic.


> Tnank

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From: Norbert Kern
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 29 Jun 2006 14:45:01
Message: <web.44a41f8826ec307cc5068ed0@news.povray.org>
do you see your entry in ftp://irtc.org/pub/stills/2006-06-30/ ?
If not, you should send it once again by web submissions.

Norbert Kern

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From: Hildur K 
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 2 Jul 2006 07:40:01
Message: <web.44a7b01c26ec307c1ac30bde0@news.povray.org>
"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-onlinede> wrote:
> Hi,
> do you see your entry in ftp://irtc.org/pub/stills/2006-06-30/ ?
> If not, you should send it once again by web submissions.
> Norbert Kern

Hi everybody,


I get "ftp folder error 550 failed to open directory" in IE and "550 failed
to change directory" in Mozilla Firefox.   The same goes for the older

In IE I only get the welcome message and no visible directories but in MF I
can open the folders but there seemes to be no way to view the content
although I can see my entry is in fact listed there. (I did use web
submission and immediately received a confirmation.)

I now tried to follow the link in the above message directly in IE and it
makes my browser stop responding.

Is the server down or have my browser settings gone wrong? Does anybody else
have the same problem?

Hildur K

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From: Steve Shelby
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 2 Jul 2006 08:13:29
Message: <44a7b869$1@news.povray.org>
"Hildur K." <hil### [at] 3dcafemailevery1net> wrote in message 
> "Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-onlinede> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> do you see your entry in ftp://irtc.org/pub/stills/2006-06-30/ ?
>> If not, you should send it once again by web submissions.
>> Norbert Kern
> Hi everybody,

> files.
> I get "ftp folder error 550 failed to open directory" in IE and "550 
> failed
> to change directory" in Mozilla Firefox.   The same goes for the older

> In IE I only get the welcome message and no visible directories but in MF 
> I
> can open the folders but there seemes to be no way to view the content
> although I can see my entry is in fact listed there. (I did use web
> submission and immediately received a confirmation.)
> I now tried to follow the link in the above message directly in IE and it
> makes my browser stop responding.
> Is the server down or have my browser settings gone wrong? Does anybody 
> else
> have the same problem?
> Hildur K
It's doing the same thing for me.
Steve Shelby

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From: Norbert Kern
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 2 Jul 2006 09:25:00
Message: <web.44a7c82126ec307c38b42f5c0@news.povray.org>
That is the correct behavior.
You cannot open the files, until another folder like 'zipped-up' or
'winvote' are created.

So, let's hope waiting time is short.

By the way, I'm eager to see your entry!

Norbert Kern

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From: Hildur K 
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 2 Jul 2006 12:25:00
Message: <web.44a7f0bd26ec307c1ac30bde0@news.povray.org>
"Norbert Kern" <nor### [at] t-onlinede> wrote:
> That is the correct behavior.
> You cannot open the files, until another folder like 'zipped-up' or
> 'winvote' are created.
> So, let's hope waiting time is short.
> By the way, I'm eager to see your entry!
> Norbert Kern

Thank you, you are too kind :)

However, if I try to open
in IE, it either freezes the browser

or if you try to go directly to the root
you only see the welcome message and no directories, just an error message.

I can however view all directories and files from within Mozilla and
downloading older zip files works from there, (but no welcome message).

other browsers.

above link to see if your entry made it!

Hildur K

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From: Larry Hudson
Subject: Re: current tpic
Date: 2 Jul 2006 19:33:59
Message: <44a857e7$1@news.povray.org>
Norbert Kern wrote:
> That is the correct behavior.
> You cannot open the files, until another folder like 'zipped-up' or
> 'winvote' are created.

To be a bit more specific, I see that both the User and Group are "ftp", 
and the file access is -rw-------

While this is probably cryptic for Windows users, Linux/Unix users will 
recognize this as meaning "Tough luck -- ya can't have it."   ;-)

Presumably, only a "real" ftp account will work, anonymous ftp won't -- 
and browser access is the same as anonymous ftp access.

 > So, let's hope waiting time is short.

In the past, this has generally been short for the zipped images to be 
made available.  OTOH, going by how long it took for the last round to 
get the results posted -- who knows??  We just gotta be patient.   :-(

      -=- Larry -=-

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