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  Old Technology...Blank Canvas (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: Renderdog
Subject: Old Technology...Blank Canvas
Date: 24 Apr 2003 10:15:18
Message: <web.3ea7f0455c27d635d08991150@news.povray.org>
Nice composition and concept, and the moss-covered stone walls look
great. For some reason the water in the foreground didn't look natural
to me, but once I got past that I really came to appreciate the "painted"
look of this image. The view through the window was a nice touch.

There are a lot of isosurfaces in this image, including the trees and
even the grass, so a large print of this image would probably look great.

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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: Old Technology...Blank Canvas
Date: 24 Apr 2003 15:45:14
Message: <web.3ea83e1ae5b20e29a0c272b50@news.povray.org>
Renderdog wrote:
>Nice composition and concept, and the moss-covered stone walls look
>great. For some reason the water in the foreground didn't look natural
>to me, but once I got past that I really came to appreciate the "painted"
>look of this image. The view through the window was a nice touch.
>There are a lot of isosurfaces in this image, including the trees and
>even the grass, so a large print of this image would probably look great.

This is an impressive image.  I thought all the objects look good, my only
complaint is that it's a little too green. More variation in the colors,
particularly on the stone wall would be good.

Technically, I am in awe of all those isosurfaces! I've played with them
only enough to know that I have yet to come up with anything usable :-(
One thing I've noticed in my experimentation is that they can take a long
time to render, so I'm particularly impressed that with so many isosurfaces
in the scene the render time is still so short. Going to have to study his
code when I get some time :-)

I like the concept too, painting -> ray-tracing was a nice take on the


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: Old Technology...Blank Canvas
Date: 25 Apr 2003 15:03:18
Message: <3ea98676$1@news.povray.org>
Renderdog wrote:
> Nice composition and concept, 

I think much of the appeal has to do with the rectilinear quality of the 
composition.  That is that the major planes of the composition are 
either aligned with the picture plane or are perpendicular to it.  This 
together with the strong geometry of the major features gives the 
picture an enduring quality and gives the real textures of the 
isosurfaces something to play against.  It allows the pun between the 
plane of the canvas and that of the picture.  Also there is an 
interesting study in perspective technique: the strong geometric 
perspective of the foreground elements frame a landscape scene which 
employs the overlapping of elements and the use of haze to suggest 

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