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On Fri, 6 Nov 2009 17:41:08 -0800
"pan" <pan### [at] syix com> wrote:
> Regardless, in true POV spiriit I plunged on to come to within
> three votes of completing. Tomorrow will be soon enough.
Just tried again - I get 'Error 503' (capacity problems) about half the
time, and a mangled voting system the other half. I'm going to try with
Opera or so... Maybe the browser adds to the problems?
If these issues continue, I doubt I'll be able to vote in the 11 days
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On Sun, 8 Nov 2009 11:54:57 -0300
John Coppens <joh### [at] johncoppens com> wrote:
> I'm going to try with
> Opera or so... Maybe the browser adds to the problems?
Well, in Opera, I could do three more votes before the same problems
started appearing. I did detect the following:
in http://static.irtc.org/style_screen.css Line: 70,
There are 9 'A's which, I believe, shouldn't be there:
.viewing td.rightColumn { text-align:left }
I suspect this has nothing to do with the actual problem though.
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John Coppens schrieb:
> On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 23:07:41 -0500
> David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
>> The round is now open for voting.
> Does anyone else have the problems I have with the 'stars' for voting?
> They frequently show up as a vertical table of links (very much impossible
> to vote as the next line of stars overwrites them). I'm running Firefox
> 3.5.3 here.
Same problem here, with IE 8. Voted for two entries, then the "stars"
went into mental mode, and don't seem to be inclined to revert back to
sanity. Redoing from start (close browser, log in again) doesn't help
either. The problem does not only appear with the entries I haven't
voted for yet, but also on those I have voted for, and which were ok
Many 503 responses, too.
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clipka schrieb:
> John Coppens schrieb:
>> On Thu, 05 Nov 2009 23:07:41 -0500
>> David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
>>> The round is now open for voting.
>> Does anyone else have the problems I have with the 'stars' for voting?
>> They frequently show up as a vertical table of links (very much
>> impossible
>> to vote as the next line of stars overwrites them). I'm running Firefox
>> 3.5.3 here.
> Same problem here, with IE 8. Voted for two entries, then the "stars"
> went into mental mode, and don't seem to be inclined to revert back to
> sanity. Redoing from start (close browser, log in again) doesn't help
> either. The problem does not only appear with the entries I haven't
> voted for yet, but also on those I have voted for, and which were ok
> previously.
> Many 503 responses, too.
Tried again after some time, with more success. Only had glitches again
from the second to last image:
Firstly, on the second to last image the "stars" didn't react properly
on a single click, and instead needed two clicks to register. Then, when
clicking "save and next", I got some queer popup about whether I wanted
to save or execute a file with some cryptic name. When dismissing that
message by aborting, then clicking "save and next again", I was taken to
the very first image.
A "direct" attempt to vote on the last image (via the thumbs overview)
was successful.
Some other suggestions:
- When on the voting thumbs overview, clicking on an image should take
to the voting page, not the viewing page.
- Having a means to sort the voting thumbs overview according to my vote
would be a nice thing.
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clipka schrieb:
> Some other suggestions:
> ...
A way to get back from an individual voting page to the voting overview
thumbs would be pretty neat, too.
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clipka wrote:
> clipka schrieb:
>> Some other suggestions:
>> ...
> A way to get back from an individual voting page to the voting overview
> thumbs would be pretty neat, too.
I'm going to try getting a version out that replaces the star rater with
a simple drop-down box. Obviously the star rater is causing too much grief.
Sorry for the problems. I'll do this as quickly as I can but I have to
be careful that I don't break anything.
David Buck
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David Buck wrote:
> clipka wrote:
>> clipka schrieb:
>>> Some other suggestions:
>>> ...
>> A way to get back from an individual voting page to the voting
>> overview thumbs would be pretty neat, too.
> I'm going to try getting a version out that replaces the star rater with
> a simple drop-down box. Obviously the star rater is causing too much grief.
> Sorry for the problems. I'll do this as quickly as I can but I have to
> be careful that I don't break anything.
> David Buck
Patch installed. Try it now.
David Buck
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On Mon, 09 Nov 2009 20:30:39 -0500
David Buck <dav### [at] simberon com> wrote:
> Patch installed. Try it now.
David, I love you ;-) That was soooo much easier! (And it loaded much
faster too).
I second clipka's 'return to the index'-button-request (Instead of going
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Has anyone else been having trouble voting due to server disconnects/errors?
See my screenshot over at
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Robert McGregor schrieb:
> Has anyone else been having trouble voting due to server disconnects/errors?
Lots of.
That was quite some days ago though.
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