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  Rebirth round awarded (Message 1 to 10 of 20)  
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From: David Buck
Subject: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 07:17:18
Message: <4abb553e@news.povray.org>
I've awarded the rebirth round.  I'd like to congratulate everyone on 
the amazing contributions.  This was an excellent round and included 
some stunning images.  Thanks to all.

David Buck

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 08:19:29
Message: <4abb63d1@news.povray.org>
In irtc.general David Buck <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote:
> I've awarded the rebirth round.  I'd like to congratulate everyone on 
> the amazing contributions.  This was an excellent round and included 
> some stunning images.  Thanks to all.

  The website seems to be badly broken right now. Clicking on the image
seems to jump to completely random pages (eg. to the viewing page of some
5-years-old round, to the viewing page of a completely different image,
and sometimes just to the front page (even though the URL does still look
correct)), and trying to view the comments of any of the submissions gives
an internal error.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Carlo C 
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 08:30:00
Message: <web.4abb657713ebd60968bfb9660@news.povray.org>
David Buck <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote:
> I've awarded the rebirth round.  I'd like to congratulate everyone on
> the amazing contributions.  This was an excellent round and included
> some stunning images.  Thanks to all.
> David Buck

...and thanks to you!
Congratulations to the winners. :)

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From: clipka
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 12:41:14
Message: <4abba12a$1@news.povray.org>
Warp schrieb:

>   The website seems to be badly broken right now. Clicking on the image
> seems to jump to completely random pages (eg. to the viewing page of some
> 5-years-old round, to the viewing page of a completely different image,
> and sometimes just to the front page (even though the URL does still look
> correct)), and trying to view the comments of any of the submissions gives
> an internal error.

Can't confirm the random jumping (at least not seen it yet); I did see 
the internal error, but it works fine when logged in.

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 12:45:58
Message: <4abba246@news.povray.org>
There doesn't seem to be a way to see the scores that the entries got.
Is this intentional?

                                                          - Warp

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 12:51:12
Message: <4abba380@news.povray.org>
It seems that only the first paragraph of the comments is shown (at least
from my comments). Is this a glitch in the part which shows the comments,
or weren't the rest of the paragraphs even saved?

  This is actually quite bad. Most of my comments seem short and abrupt
because only the first paragraph is shown. My consequent explanations are
not shown.

  Also I notice that some of the images do not show my comments at all,
even though I commented every single one.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 12:58:34
Message: <4abba53a@news.povray.org>
In irtc.stills Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
>   It seems that only the first paragraph of the comments is shown (at least
> from my comments). Is this a glitch in the part which shows the comments,
> or weren't the rest of the paragraphs even saved?

>   This is actually quite bad. Most of my comments seem short and abrupt
> because only the first paragraph is shown. My consequent explanations are
> not shown.

  Just as an example, my comments to Piqueres' submission shows as:

"Spring is a rather clich? theme for "rebirth", but I suppose it's better
than no connection to the topic at all."

and that's it. However, I wrote quite a lot more! That's not the only thing
I wrote. Just showing that makes it look like I'm being abrupt and rude.

                                                          - Warp

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From: David Buck
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 24 Sep 2009 18:03:33
Message: <4abbecb5$1@news.povray.org>
Warp wrote:
> In irtc.stills Warp <war### [at] tagpovrayorg> wrote:
>>   It seems that only the first paragraph of the comments is shown (at least
>> from my comments). Is this a glitch in the part which shows the comments,
>> or weren't the rest of the paragraphs even saved?
>>   This is actually quite bad. Most of my comments seem short and abrupt
>> because only the first paragraph is shown. My consequent explanations are
>> not shown.
>   Just as an example, my comments to Piqueres' submission shows as:
> "Spring is a rather clich? theme for "rebirth", but I suppose it's better
> than no connection to the topic at all."
> and that's it. However, I wrote quite a lot more! That's not the only thing
> I wrote. Just showing that makes it look like I'm being abrupt and rude.

I'm aware of the problem with the internal error when viewing comments. 
Logging in seem solves the problem but I'll put in a proper fix shortly. 
  I'll look into multi-paragraph comments and see what the problem is there.

David Buck

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From: Warp
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 25 Sep 2009 05:38:31
Message: <4abc8f97@news.povray.org>
In irtc.stills David Buck <dav### [at] simberoncom> wrote:
>   I'll look into multi-paragraph comments and see what the problem is there.

  Could viewing the comments be disabled until then? It really bothers me
that people are getting the wrong impression of what I have commented,
based only on the first paragraph of what I wrote.

                                                          - Warp

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From: Jaime Vives Piqueres
Subject: Re: Rebirth round awarded
Date: 25 Sep 2009 07:57:11
Message: <4abcb017$1@news.povray.org>

>   Just as an example, my comments to Piqueres' submission shows as:
> "Spring is a rather clich? theme for "rebirth", but I suppose it's better
> than no connection to the topic at all."
> and that's it. However, I wrote quite a lot more! That's not the only thing
> I wrote. Just showing that makes it look like I'm being abrupt and rude.

   Ah... don't worry, in fact your comment was totally correct, and I needed 
a reprimand for being too lazy... ;)


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