POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Update Server Time
21 Dec 2024 11:20:07 EST (-0500)
  Update (Message 1 to 3 of 3)  
From: St 
Subject: Update
Date: 27 Apr 2007 00:30:34
Message: <46317c6a@news.povray.org>

  I know you're hassled by what's happening, but I can assure you that all 
is well. Our new website will be ready for the next Stills round of "The 
Black Robe", (which I'm personally looking forward to participate in). And, 
although the website won't show it for now, Animations will also be included 
and will be set up and ready for submissions towards the end of August.

 At present, there are a small number of testers weeding out some bugs to 
kill, (and I thank you very much guys), and sure enough, they found some. 

  I'm sure these minor things will be fixed this weekend, and hopefully, by 
Tuesday, you can all have a peak. BUT, don't strike me down if it isn't 
ready by then! There may be a few days lee-way.

     So, you all know the next topic, get your thinking caps on!   :o)


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From: Mike the Elder
Subject: Re: Update
Date: 29 Apr 2007 21:20:01
Message: <web.4635432cbd641d2c6d4565230@news.povray.org>
Hi Steve,
Thanks again for all of your work to keep the I/3D-RTC alive.
Even if it takes a bit of time past Tuesday to get the voting system worked
out, it would be very much appreciated if you could let us have a look at
the entries  as soon as that would be reasonable and convenient.
Best Regards,
Mike C.

"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote:
> Folks,
>   I know you're hassled by what's happening, but I can assure you that all
> is well. Our new website will be ready for the next Stills round of "The
> Black Robe", (which I'm personally looking forward to participate in). And,
> although the website won't show it for now, Animations will also be included
> and will be set up and ready for submissions towards the end of August.
>  At present, there are a small number of testers weeding out some bugs to
> kill, (and I thank you very much guys), and sure enough, they found some.
> :o)
>   I'm sure these minor things will be fixed this weekend, and hopefully, by
> Tuesday, you can all have a peak. BUT, don't strike me down if it isn't
> ready by then! There may be a few days lee-way.
>      So, you all know the next topic, get your thinking caps on!   :o)
>        ~Steve~

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From: St 
Subject: Re: Update
Date: 30 Apr 2007 05:54:07
Message: <4635bcbf$1@news.povray.org>
"Mike the Elder" <zer### [at] wyanorg> wrote in message 

> Hi Steve,
> Thanks again for all of your work to keep the I/3D-RTC alive.
> Even if it takes a bit of time past Tuesday to get the voting system 
> worked
> out, it would be very much appreciated if you could let us have a look at
> the entries  as soon as that would be reasonable and convenient.

     Yes, for sure, tomorrow morning, (GMT), the website will be updated 
with the new topic and submissions showing. I'm under the impression Mike, 
that you thought the 'Before and After' round will be on the new website? 
Just to confirm, it won't be. The present stills round will be on my 
personal site for now, but both the 'TINA CHeP' and the 'Before and After' 
rounds will be archived on the new site, (not immediately, but soon).

    The new site is coming along nicely, and 'should' be live tomorrow.  :)

    BTW, I literally spat my coffee out when I saw your image! LOL! A great 
start to the day! Thanks for that, I'm still smiling now.  :o)


> Best Regards,
> Mike C.

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