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From: St 
Subject: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 03:49:25
Message: <45e69395@news.povray.org>
It looks like that's it folks. I can't ever see the IRTC up-and-running 
again as we knew it, (I hope I'm wrong). It's a real shame because I thought 
the way it worked was great, but the way it worked (even though mostly 
automated) still relied on a human to activate the whole thing, and that 
human went walkabout, (I hope not literally, and I still hope the guy is 
ok), so the IRTC fell down.

  So,what's going to happen? Is there any more news at all, anyone?

 For now, I'm quite happy to carry on with hosting either another TINA CHeP 
round or some other topic, and run it over two months like the IRTC, but 
we'll have to confirm either way soon if this is to happen.

  Suggestions welcome.


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From: Mike the Elder
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 07:30:00
Message: <web.45e6c6feac010f746d4565230@news.povray.org>
First of all, thanks a bunch, Steve, for doing a great job hosting the TINA
CheP round.

Secondly, I suggest we pick a fun topic for March/April straight away so
that folks will have plenty of time to work.  I'll toss out the "Before and
After" idea again because I think it would give people a lot of creative
options both technically and artistically, but another topic would be
welcome - as long it was named SOON.  If this is going to be an ongoing
enterprise, we will, of course, want to set up a method of selecting topics
that gives participants an opportunity to have input  and an opportunity for
discussion.  For the upcoming round, however, I hereby nominate ~Steve~ for
the post of One-Time-Benevolent-Topic-Dictator. (Seconds?)

Third, during the March/April round, we need to actively work to create an

folks have volunteered to help out.  I would suggest that we begin by
assembling a list of specific tasks that need to be performed and obtain
volunteers for both a primary and back-up person to perform each one.

Also, I would suggest that we actively publicize our efforts by
communicating with the various online groups with an interest in ray

Thanks to everyone who has participated so far.

-Mike C.

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From: Trevor G Quayle
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 12:00:01
Message: <web.45e70633ac010f74c150d4c10@news.povray.org>
> Third, during the March/April round, we need to actively work to create an

> folks have volunteered to help out.  I would suggest that we begin by
> assembling a list of specific tasks that need to be performed and obtain
> volunteers for both a primary and back-up person to perform each one.

I wonder if a setup similar to that for CGSphere could be set up or at least
used as a basis.  It seems to have a good interface especially:

-gallery viewing

I'm not a web programmer, so I really couldn't fathom how all of it would
come together though.


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 12:33:25
Message: <45e70e65$1@news.povray.org>
St. wrote:
> It looks like that's it folks. I can't ever see the IRTC up-and-running 
> again as we knew it, (I hope I'm wrong). It's a real shame because I thought 
> the way it worked was great, but the way it worked (even though mostly 
> automated) still relied on a human to activate the whole thing, and that 
> human went walkabout, (I hope not literally, and I still hope the guy is 
> ok), so the IRTC fell down.
>   So,what's going to happen? Is there any more news at all, anyone?
>  For now, I'm quite happy to carry on with hosting either another TINA CHeP 
> round or some other topic, and run it over two months like the IRTC, but 
> we'll have to confirm either way soon if this is to happen.
>   Suggestions welcome.
>     ~Steve~
I thought the little TINA CheP "contest" worked well.  I liked the 
little community conversation over what the topic would be, along with 
the fact that it was kept short, with someone designated to make the 
choice.  Maybe the chooser role could change each time but the chooser 
can't make a suggestion for the round he/she does.  I also think that 
"TINA CheP" has become the de facto reference for this and might do well 
as the Title for this little anti-contest, interrum-IRTC, or what ever 
it is.

I think we should get another round underway, tout de suite, as long as 
you are okay with the hosting job.  If not, I would think that the next 
best option would be to use the wiki which should allow, in theory 
anyway, the transfer of much of the workload to the participants 

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From: St 
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 14:21:47
Message: <45e727cb$1@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message 

> I thought the little TINA CheP "contest" worked well.

    I thought so too. I was overly impressed by the differences in which the 
entrants conveyed the topic. Each one of them (including me of course), had 
something going for 'it' as an individual piece. I liked that side of it.
   (Afterthought: Thinking about it, when the IRTC had those many entrants, 
(and there were many topics that did, and more), well, the expectancy of 
seeing those *new* images was always a big thing for me. You knew you were 
going to sit down for two cups of coffee and see something someone took time 
over to do the best they could. It was refreshing and inspirational.)

 I liked the
> little community conversation over what the topic would be, along with the 
> fact that it was kept short, with someone designated to make the choice. 
> Maybe the chooser role could change each time but the chooser can't make a 
> suggestion for the round he/she does.

   That's a good and valid point, much like the IRTC.

I also think that
> "TINA CheP" has become the de facto reference for this and might do well 
> as the Title for this little anti-contest, interrum-IRTC, or what ever it 
> is.

     Yes, I agree, let's just call it TINA CHeP. WE all know how it 
originated, and if anyone doesn't know, I'll write up a nice history page 
some time - I have enough info on this machine to be accurate.

> I think we should get another round underway, tout de suite, as long as 
> you are okay with the hosting job.

    Yes, sure, I'm just glad that I can offer something back in return for 
all the comments, crits, laughs, smilies, <whatever>, that have been 
directed my way over the years. It's all helped me no end in the six or so 
years that I've been around, and I still seem to keep improving here and 
there as a result, and that, makes me happy.

   So, you want a topic all? I propose Mike the Elders' topic for now - 
'Before and After'. I liked this idea when he first mentioned it, and I 
think we can all 'do it'. What say you?


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From: St 
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 14:32:50
Message: <45e72a62$1@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:45e727cb$1@news.povray.org...
>   (Afterthought: Thinking about it, when the IRTC had those many entrants,

     Grrr, 30, 40+... (sorry).


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From: St 
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 18:24:26
Message: <45e760aa$3@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:45e727cb$1@news.povray.org...

>   So, you want a topic all? I propose Mike the Elders' topic for now - 
> 'Before and After'. I liked this idea when he first mentioned it, and I 
> think we can all 'do it'. What say you?

      Ok, I'm putting my povman's hat on and saying that this topic ('Before 
and After') *IS* the topic for the March/April TINA CheP round. You have (a 
little less than) two months from now to complete your image, but, better 
than one month.

  I see this as a fascinating topic, it can cover a multitude of scenario's, 
events, experiences. (Hmm, three words that mean the same thing).

    How you interpret this subject, we will all see.   :)

    Step aboard, Sherry.


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From: St 
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 1 Mar 2007 18:24:27
Message: <45e760ab$1@news.povray.org>
"Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
>> Third, during the March/April round,

   This topic is now confirmed - 'Before and After'. A nice one for you, I 
think, Trevor.  :)

we need to actively work to create an
>> ongoing system that DOESN'T heap all of the work on one person.  Plenty 
>> of
>> folks have volunteered to help out.  I would suggest that we begin by
>> assembling a list of specific tasks that need to be performed and obtain
>> volunteers for both a primary and back-up person to perform each one.
> I wonder if a setup similar to that for CGSphere could be set up or at 
> least
> used as a basis.  It seems to have a good interface especially:
> -uploading
> -gallery viewing
> -commenting/voting
> I'm not a web programmer, so I really couldn't fathom how all of it would
> come together though.

  Good post. I love that layout too. Easy-peasy to use and does what you 

  I had a look at their source code, and as far as I can tell, there is no 
easy way to do the uploading side of things html-wise. It seems to me that I 
might have to use Vis Basic or something similar to achieve this?

     If anyone knows anything about this, (the uploading side of things) I'd 
appreciate your thoughts.


> -tgq

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 2 Mar 2007 04:04:56
Message: <45e7e8b8$1@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> schreef in bericht news:45e760ab$1@news.povray.org...
> "Trevor G Quayle" <Tin### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message 
> news:web.45e70633ac010f74c150d4c10@news.povray.org...
>>> Third, during the March/April round,
>   This topic is now confirmed - 'Before and After'. A nice one for you, I 
> think, Trevor.  :)
Nice! I like that topic! I have something exactly taylored to that!

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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: So, what are we gonna do?
Date: 2 Mar 2007 04:10:41
Message: <45e7ea11$1@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> schreef in bericht news:45e760aa$3@news.povray.org...
>    Step aboard, Sherry.

Oh yes! And Hildur too!! I missed her entry in the first round, especially 
after all she did for putting new life in the contest!


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