POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Thank you, guys Server Time
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  Thank you, guys (Message 1 to 6 of 6)  
From: Stefan Persson
Subject: Thank you, guys
Date: 3 Oct 2005 21:17:51
Message: <4341d83f@news.povray.org>
I just wanted to show my humble gratitude for
the results I got on my entry for the Minimalism round.
Just back from Mendoza, Argentina and I'm going back
there in a couple of weeks so I'm not sure if I can
make it to the next round.

Anyways, I think there was some fine pieces entered
in this round. From my personal view, excluding my
own entry of course, I think that except for some few
adjustments the result reflected what cought my eye
when I voted.

Again, thank you all for the votes.

Best regards,


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From: Stefan Persson
Subject: Re: Thank you, guys
Date: 3 Oct 2005 21:27:01
Message: <4341da65$1@news.povray.org>
Oh, btw, for all you wine lovers out there I can
highly recommend the products from this district.
Mendoza i.e. :D

Totally OT, but.. forgive me.. ;)


"Stefan Persson" <azy### [at] hotmailcom> skrev i meddelandet 
>I just wanted to show my humble gratitude for
> the results I got on my entry for the Minimalism round.
> Just back from Mendoza, Argentina and I'm going back
> there in a couple of weeks so I'm not sure if I can
> make it to the next round.
> Anyways, I think there was some fine pieces entered
> in this round. From my personal view, excluding my
> own entry of course, I think that except for some few
> adjustments the result reflected what cought my eye
> when I voted.
> Again, thank you all for the votes.
> Best regards,
> Stefan

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From: Skip Talbot
Subject: Re: Thank you, guys
Date: 4 Oct 2005 12:12:12
Message: <4342a9dc$1@news.povray.org>
Yes, the round turned out quite well.  Congratulations!

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From: s day
Subject: Re: Thank you, guys
Date: 4 Oct 2005 17:40:01
Message: <web.4342f64fe3e755e3592e2ba70@news.povray.org>
"Stefan Persson" <azy### [at] hotmailcom> wrote:
> I just wanted to show my humble gratitude for
> the results I got on my entry for the Minimalism round.
> Just back from Mendoza, Argentina and I'm going back
> there in a couple of weeks so I'm not sure if I can
> make it to the next round.
> Anyways, I think there was some fine pieces entered
> in this round. From my personal view, excluding my
> own entry of course, I think that except for some few
> adjustments the result reflected what cought my eye
> when I voted.
> Again, thank you all for the votes.
> Best regards,
> Stefan

Congrats, a worthy winner. It was good to see such high standards in this
round, I currently have no ideas for anything for the current round, still
hoping to get some inspiration but time is runnig out..


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From: Skip Talbot
Subject: Re: Thank you, guys
Date: 4 Oct 2005 23:04:49
Message: <434342d1$1@news.povray.org>
One entry from the last round that seems like it would apply to this one 
was a minimalist person looking at a minimalist art gallery.  To fit the 
opposites category though the art piece should be a highly realistic 
scene.  I was thinking of something along those lines for this round, 
where typical roles have been reversed, but haven't come up with 
anything that good.


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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: Thank you, guys
Date: 7 Oct 2005 08:54:18
Message: <43466ffa@news.povray.org>
The best won! No doubt about that.

I hugely enjoyed the Minimalism round as it generated quite a lot of
discussions and funny experiments. I only regret not to have been able to
vote this time, for different (personal) reasons.


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