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From: Cindy Lamma
Subject: due date is passed
Date: 1 Mar 2004 03:21:24
Message: <4042f284$1@news.povray.org>
Ok the dead-line has passed for Mythology.

#1.  What is the next topic theme.  Come on guys.

#2.  When can we started juding.

#3.  When can we at least get a sneak preview of this rounds entries?

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From: JC (Exether)
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 1 Mar 2004 06:54:06
Message: <4043245e$1@news.povray.org>
Cindy Lamma wrote:
> Ok the dead-line has passed for Mythology.
> #1.  What is the next topic theme.  Come on guys.
> #2.  When can we started juding.
> #3.  When can we at least get a sneak preview of this rounds entries?
I'm not from the IRTC admin, but it generally takes a few days.
On the web site you can see the submited entries, I only counted 39 this 
round, it's very little, I hope I'm wrong.

http://exether.free.fr/irtc (more IRTC stats !)

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From: St 
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 00:50:25
Message: <404420a1@news.povray.org>
"JC (Exether)" <no### [at] spamfr> wrote in message

> On the web site you can see the submited entries, I only counted 39
> round, it's very little, I hope I'm wrong.

     Hi JC, there could have been a few late-comers, so it might have
broken the 40 barrier. I only had about an hour left before posting my
image, so I wonder how many people actually attempted an image but
didn't enter? It would be nice if those that tried but didn't/couldn't
enter the IRTC, left their names in a list, so that we know how many
*possible* entrants there actually were.


> JC
> -- 
> http://exether.free.fr/irtc (more IRTC stats !)

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From: gonzo
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 01:15:19
Message: <40442677@news.povray.org>
St. <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:404420a1@news.povray.org...
>      Hi JC, there could have been a few late-comers, so it might have
> broken the 40 barrier. I only had about an hour left before posting my
> image, so I wonder how many people actually attempted an image but
> didn't enter? It would be nice if those that tried but didn't/couldn't
> enter the IRTC, left their names in a list, so that we know how many
> *possible* entrants there actually were.

Well, mine was #37 and I got it in with about an hour to spare.  Checking
the directory now, I count 41 entries, assuming all are valid.


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From: Tek
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 02:51:01
Message: <40443ce5$1@news.povray.org>
"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:404420a1@news.povray.org...
> It would be nice if those that tried but didn't/couldn't
> enter the IRTC, left their names in a list, so that we know how many
> *possible* entrants there actually were.

Well I gave up at the concept stage... I didn't have one... Which annoys me
because I wanted to do an image I just didn't have an image to do! hopefully the
new topic will inspire me.

Incidentally I'm not criticising the topic, it's just I'm not terribly well read
so I know very little "mythology" :(


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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 08:45:50
Message: <4044900e$1@news.povray.org>
Tek wrote:

> Well I gave up at the concept stage... I didn't have one... Which annoys me
> because I wanted to do an image I just didn't have an image to do! hopefully the
> new topic will inspire me.
It was one of the better topics if you are into organic modelling. 
Sticking a bird's head on a horse's body or whatever.

> Incidentally I'm not criticising the topic, it's just I'm not terribly well read
> so I know very little "mythology" :(
They covered it during your standard schooling ya nit. *You* no doubt 
were arsing around.  I'll give you a hint, most of the computer game 
themes you use are based on "mythology". ;)

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From: Jim Charter
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 09:05:02
Message: <4044948e$1@news.povray.org>
gonzo wrote:

> St. <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:404420a1@news.povray.org...
>>     Hi JC, there could have been a few late-comers, so it might have
>>broken the 40 barrier. I only had about an hour left before posting my
>>image, so I wonder how many people actually attempted an image but
>>didn't enter? It would be nice if those that tried but didn't/couldn't
>>enter the IRTC, left their names in a list, so that we know how many
>>*possible* entrants there actually were.
> Well, mine was #37 and I got it in with about an hour to spare.  Checking
> the directory now, I count 41 entries, assuming all are valid.
> RG
Glad to see you got one in.  I'm #40, thought I'd be the last.  It was a 
significant commitment of time for me but I really couldn't pass on the 
topic, given the direction I have more recently taken with cg.  The 
topic does risk being hackneyed,... is there anything original left in 
myth?  But it is almost infinitely rich in variety.

It never ceases to amaze me how difficult a task master raytracing is. 
The standard of producing a complete scene, with every element of the 
scene brought to a high level of articulation makes for an enormous 
undertaking.  Hats off to those who can actually get it all done.  Any 
many do.  You need to wage war on a strategic as well as tactical level. 
There seems to be not enough time for experiment and invention, yet you 
cannot move foreward without constant invention.  Phew!  Love it and 
hate it.

I broke an enormous amount of new ground with this entry in terms of my 
own learning,... very satisfying.  But a lot of it never made it into 
the picture,... not so satisfying.  I assume it is the same for 
everyone.  Some pictures go like that a little more than others.  The 
most valuable thing I did this time was to create a junk file that I 
could discard code chunks into.  This made it easier to move through 
ideas without loosing some bit of coding that I thought to be 
particularily clever.

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From: Shay
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 09:14:06
Message: <404496ae$1@news.povray.org>
"Jim Charter" <jrc### [at] msncom> wrote in message
| The topic does risk being hackneyed,... is there anything
| original left in myth?  But it is almost infinitely rich
| in variety.

I'm not sure, but considering the types of websites you admit to
frequenting, you are certainly aware of some animal combinations with
which most of us are completely unfamiliar.

Looking forward to seeing that entry. Looks like another day of
compulsively checking the ftp site.


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From: Ian Shumsky
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 10:13:28
Message: <4044a498@news.povray.org>
"Cindy Lamma" <Che### [at] uftlabsorg> wrote in message
> #1.  What is the next topic theme.  Come on guys.

According to the FTP site, next round is 'Great Inventions'


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From: Shay
Subject: Re: due date is passed
Date: 2 Mar 2004 10:23:24
Message: <4044a6ec@news.povray.org>
"Cindy Lamma" <Che### [at] uftlabsorg> wrote in message

Images are on the ftp site. No new topic yet.


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