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St. wrote:
> "Tom Melly" <tom### [at] tomandlucouk> wrote in message
> news:3d78728e$1@news.povray.org...
>>"St." <dot### [at] dotcom> wrote in message news:3d77ce80@news.povray.org...
>>Define "natural origin"? - or rather, "what the hell is an unnatural origin?"
> Yes, I know, but the way they've presented the description, it reads to me
> that they want a scene that's *known*, i.e., "The Grand Canyon, the Himalayas, the
> Alps", etc...
> I've started a SF scene that hopefully has a "Spectacular Landscape", but how
> do I know if it's 'natural' or not?
When only the title was available, I thought of a remote planet with a
big errupting volcanoe... It has to be on a remote planet, because of
the special lightning/feeling/... Probably not an original idea!
The way the text explains the title, I believe the landscape must be
somewhere on Earth! Moreover, it must be a real aerial landscape (hint:
what about Hawai islands, seen from the bottom of the sea, WiTHOUT any
just keeping the traces of where the sea would be ? That would be
spectacular, that might be a landscape, but it does not seem to match
the text).
Also, did anybody think about 'paper -landscape' ? It would have been an
easy pun/word-play with the title, but it is obviously off-topic
according to the text (unless, it's a landscape photo of a spectacular
landscape... or any thing more recursive...)... advertisement in
landscape (instead of portrait) for a spectacle ?
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> May I suggest you not to read it?
> Way too narrow-minded...
Too late. Already read it and to be honest I didn't like it.
I was thinking about a view of the "eggs" in the Matrix, with thousands
and thousands of red bulbs, each with a person inside, and Neo looking
at all that (like in the movie). But that is not of natural origin, so
I'm stuck with nothing.
Maybe in November... :-)
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> I was thinking about a view of the "eggs" in the Matrix, with thousands
> and thousands of red bulbs, each with a person inside, and Neo looking
> at all that (like in the movie). But that is not of natural origin, so
My advice is DO IT.
That would be a spectacular landscape.
Txemi Jendrix
tji### [at] txemijendrixcom
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> Well, no offence to the irtc, but they aren't the arbiters of whether an
> is off-topic or not...
I do agree with you. Each one of us decide if something is off-topic or not.
If the topic is as close as the others say, then why using pov?
Use Vue d'Esprit, Terragen, World Machine, Leveller, Vista Pro or Bryce (to
say some).
A lot of entrants will do so.
If I finally decide to enter, I won't make do the typical "Spectacular
Just my opinion.
Txemi Jendrix
tji### [at] txemijendrixcom
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Wolfox <wol### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> But that is not of natural origin, so
> I'm stuck with nothing.
I think most concur that the topic is important, and the description not.
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The Mad Hatter <the### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> Your the first person I met who liked it. You wouldn't be a Bryce
> user would you? :)
Not even sure what Bryce does, I only have PoV. The topic will have a bunch
of mountain and seaside entries, but to me it beats the Hell out of another
"perfume" topic.
Winter, Loneliness, Dreaming.
I would prefer that the topics were much more specific and therefore (to me)
more interesting, but the other voters obviously disagree strongly.
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"Txemi Jendrix" <tji### [at] euskalnetnet> wrote in message
> 3d78927a@news.povray.org...
> > Well, no offence to the irtc, but they aren't the arbiters of whether an
> image
> > is off-topic or not...
> I do agree with you. Each one of us decide if something is off-topic or not.
Ok, that's fine. That's what I wanted to know. I'll keep my image and submit
it. ;)
> If the topic is as close as the others say, then why using pov?
> Use Vue d'Esprit, Terragen, World Machine, Leveller, Vista Pro or Bryce (to
> say some).
> A lot of entrants will do so.
NO, NO, NO! PoV! PoV! PoV! (Well, with me a little help from ac3d was needed
> If I finally decide to enter, I won't make do the typical "Spectacular
> Landscape"
Just enter Txemi, I always like your images.
> Just my opinion.
It would be a dull place without them! ;)
> Txemi Jendrix
> tji### [at] txemijendrixcom
> http://www.txemijendrix.com
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When I first found out the ftp topic, I also started on mine,
unfortunately my project has been halted as when the irtc.org site had
finaly been updated days later, I found out the description does not allow
the theme I had intended. So back to the drawing board for me.
I may just stick with my original idea however. The IRTC is not all about
trying to get high votes. Well, ok that is not exactly true.. lol.
However, I may stick with my On topic and Off description project and just
try to make the best image I can, and despite I'll get burned by people who
dont think it applies, I will have a well made project nevertheless.
I am still trying to figure out how a topic that tends to cause most
runners I know so much grief, got voted #1. Perhaps this is an indication
that more people need to vote to get a true average, unless a flaw happened
during someones submission and a number of extra votes got slaped in.
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On Sat, 07 Sep 2002 04:34:45 -0400, The Mad Hatter quoth:
> When I first found out the ftp topic, I also started on mine,
> unfortunately my project has been halted as when the irtc.org site had
> finaly been updated days later, I found out the description does not
> allow the theme I had intended.
The description is not the topic. The description is just a suggested
interpretation of the topic. If your scene fits the topic, but not the
description, submit it anyway.
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"The Mad Hatter" <the### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in message
> However, I may stick with my On topic and Off description project and
> try to make the best image I can, and despite I'll get burned by people
> dont think it applies,
Yes, that is unfortunate. It may be true that the topic is not dependent on
the description, but I'm sure some voters won't feel that way.
> I am still trying to figure out how a topic that tends to cause most
> runners I know so much grief, got voted #1.
I think that the similarity of so many topics is another indication that
only a very small group of people are voting.
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