POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : No povray, no source? Server Time
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  No povray, no source? (Message 1 to 4 of 4)  
From: Nieminen Juha
Subject: No povray, no source?
Date: 7 Jan 2000 05:51:06
Message: <3875c51a@news.povray.org>
Why it seems to be so common, that if the image is not made with povray,
no source code is given either?

):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/

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From: Gilles Tran
Subject: Re: No povray, no source?
Date: 7 Jan 2000 14:15:22
Message: <38763B66.D85C99C3@inapg.inra.fr>
Nieminen Juha wrote:

>   Why it seems to be so common, that if the image is not made with povray,
> no source code is given either?

Just a guess : in the case of Bryce, I've ended up with scene files of 20-30
Mo. I suppose that this is because the same object (a mesh for instance) is
being repeated as many times as it appears in the scene. I remember copying
the same mesh 20 times in a scene and seeing the file size grow accordingly. I
suppose that most tools that are based on meshes store them in the scene file
so they become quite huge, even when compressed. They also tend to rely a lot
on image and bump maps for texturing. Actually the same does occur with POV
scenes. A typical directory scene for me is now in the range of 20-30 Mo too
(meshes, stored macro output, image maps, poser stuff). Of course Pov is
rather economical since the same object exists only one time on the hard disc
(at the expense of parsing time I suppose).


> --
> main(i,_){for(_?--i,main(i+2,"FhhQHFIJD|FQTITFN]zRFHhhTBFHhhTBFysdB"[i]
> ):5;i&&_>1;printf("%s",_-70?_&1?"[]":" ":(_=0,"\n")),_/=2);} /*- Warp -*/

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From: Simon de Vet
Subject: Re: No povray, no source?
Date: 7 Jan 2000 17:01:48
Message: <38766291.8F7B7D7E@istar.ca>
Gilles Tran wrote:

> Nieminen Juha wrote:
> >   Why it seems to be so common, that if the image is not made with povray,
> > no source code is given either?
> >
> Just a guess : in the case of Bryce, I've ended up with scene files of 20-30
> Mo. I suppose that this is because the same object (a mesh for instance) is
> being repeated as many times as it appears in the scene.

Still, I think that some "source" can be distributed. Lately I've been using Rhino
for my modelling, and as such my scenes are far too big to include. However, I can
still include notable imagemaps, textures, closeup images of various objects, and
so forth. I consider "source" to be anything that gives the viewer a better
insight into the creation of the scene. Even a series of images charting the
progress would be informative.

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From: Greg M  Johnson
Subject: Re: No povray, no source?
Date: 11 Jan 2000 10:17:22
Message: <387B48B3.7CC3D131@my-dejanews.com>
In addition to the file size, I would be reluctant for fear of my work being "stolen."

When I come up with a new algorithm for flocking or a tree texture for POVRAY, I want
it documented on the news.povray server and/or the Walnut CD-ROM. Perhaps mostly in
case someone sues ME later for infringing on their algorithm.  I have dreamed up this
scary scenario where a 3DS plugin code shop, in the year 2001, is somehow able to
patent or copyright "all flocking" algorithms: having my algorithm on a CD protects me
if I ever wanted, say, to sell TV commercials using artwork I create based on my
algorithm.  (I'm crazy but it's true!)  Also, for my friends in the povray community,
I'm very happy to share my thoughts and contribute to an understanding of math,
science, art, motherhood, apple pies, etc.

When it comes to a character I have hand-stitched in Animation:Master, I'm a bit more
selfish and fearful of having it "stolen."  The character that I make is more a
function effort of my sweat and carpal tunnel than it is a function of a new concept
or idea that I can share with the team.  Thus, I would not include any files with IRTC
entries made with A:M.  When Raf Anzovin (http://www.anzovin.com/) writes tutorials
for A:M and makes available copies of the files for his best character, Dennis the
Dog, he offers a skeletonized version which is "unusable" for artistic purposes.  I
don't blame him.

Simon de Vet wrote:

> Gilles Tran wrote:
> > Nieminen Juha wrote:
> >
> > >   Why it seems to be so common, that if the image is not made with povray,
> > > no source code is given either?
> > >
> >
> > Just a guess : in the case of Bryce, I've ended up with scene files of 20-30
> > Mo. I suppose that this is because the same object (a mesh for instance) is
> > being repeated as many times as it appears in the scene.

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