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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 6 Sep 2017 03:30:55
Message: <59afa42f$1@news.povray.org>
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At http://www.tc-rtc.co.uk/index/index.html the results for the
May/August 2017 Challenge 1 *My End Is My Beginning* are:
1 Seeds SeanDay 498/498
2 Forever Young DrNo 390/450
3 Universal DrNo 371/431
4 Noa departure lequenne 334/394
5 Ouroboros JuuG 332/392
SeanDay did not vote and so the bonus points were not attributed to his
image. However, this did not change the final results.
The results for the July/August 2017 Challenge 2 topic *Symmetry* are:
1 Atlantic Crossing JuuG 316/376
2 Mountain Lake Sunset rmcgregor 304/364
3 Reflect me DrNo 287/347
4 Taj Mahal DrNo 267/327
Congratulations to all the winners of these two challenges.
And so we have come at last to the end of our long journey. A journey
not unlike Ulysses' for we have visited strange places on the Earth and
beyond, we have tasted strange fruits, and we have witnessed amazing
customs and rites. All this thanks to your imagination and skills.
As a temporary replacement for the Internet Ray Tracing competition,
TC-RTC was the brainchild of Steve Paget, a stalwart of the IRTC and the
Pov-Ray newsgroups. He designed it with Colin, the web developer who
hosts the site. Steve ran the site for three years and we have run it
for the last seven. As a temporary replacement for the IRTC, Tina Chep
has lasted almost as long as the original. That is twenty years of
almost continuous computer generated rendering competitions.
As our ways are parting, we have all of us been enriched by this shared
experience. And we, as administrators, we say:
*So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!*
but above all:
*Thanks For Your Participation!*
But it does not end here. A worthy successor to the TC-RTC has been
found in NOA OF ARC (http://www.noaofarc.ca/en-us/) which will continue
the tradition. Please go there and join!
Stephen & Thomas, Administrators
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From: Paolo Gibellini
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 6 Sep 2017 05:10:42
Message: <59afbb92$1@news.povray.org>
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Thomas de Groot wrote on 06/09/2017 09:30:
> And so we have come at last to the end of our long journey. A journey
> not unlike Ulysses' for we have visited strange places on the Earth and
> beyond, we have tasted strange fruits, and we have witnessed amazing
> customs and rites. All this thanks to your imagination and skills.
> As a temporary replacement for the Internet Ray Tracing competition,
> TC-RTC was the brainchild of Steve Paget, a stalwart of the IRTC and the
> Pov-Ray newsgroups. He designed it with Colin, the web developer who
> hosts the site. Steve ran the site for three years and we have run it
> for the last seven. As a temporary replacement for the IRTC, Tina Chep
> has lasted almost as long as the original. That is twenty years of
> almost continuous computer generated rendering competitions.
> As our ways are parting, we have all of us been enriched by this shared
> experience. And we, as administrators, we say:
> *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!*
> but above all:
> *Thanks For Your Participation!*
> But it does not end here. A worthy successor to the TC-RTC has been
> found in NOA OF ARC (http://www.noaofarc.ca/en-us/) which will continue
> the tradition. Please go there and join!
> Stephen & Thomas, Administrators
IRTC was the origin of my first approach to POV-Ray (through Moray), and
this competition (united perhaps to scc) will always remain in my memory
because it was the expression of a world where art, math and code met.
Mathematical artists, artistic developers and whatever combination:
interesting and polite people. I waited impatiently for each round, and
there was always something of very interesting.
TC-RTC has filled the gap due to the end of IRTC. It was organized in a
somewhat different way, but there was a lot of enthusiastic people.
Now, I miss you already, *RTC.
Competitions for enthusiastic people are a good way to stimulate
everyone to make the best of themselves, and usually there are many
innovative elements, unlike in the contests for professionals.
In the last months I had no time for writing decent pov-code, but I'm
always following the newsgroup and TC-RTC. Should we migrate to NOA OF
ARC? Ok, let's get a try.
Stephen, Thomas and other Administrators, thank you for your efforts and
for the service given.
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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 7 Sep 2017 14:19:05
Message: <59b18d99@news.povray.org>
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On 06/09/2017 08:30, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> As our ways are parting, we have all of us been enriched by this shared
> experience. And we, as administrators, we say:
> *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!*
And I must mention my Thanks to Thomas for running the Site on his own
for years. All credit to him. It would not have been as good without him.
So join me in saying thank you, Thomas.
> but above all:
> *Thanks For Your Participation!*
Yes, *Thanks For Your Participation!*
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 8 Sep 2017 03:18:37
Message: <59b2444d@news.povray.org>
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On 7-9-2017 20:18, Stephen wrote:
> On 06/09/2017 08:30, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> As our ways are parting, we have all of us been enriched by this
>> shared experience. And we, as administrators, we say:
>> *So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!*
> And I must mention my Thanks to Thomas for running the Site on his own
> for years. All credit to him. It would not have been as good without him.
> So join me in saying thank you, Thomas.
Nah! I got my hands dirty that is true, but sincerely, without Stephen's
support, I would have quit much earlier. It was a fair and perfect
collaboration. So, Stephen, get out of the wings and get your fair share
of rotten tomatoes :-)
>> but above all:
>> *Thanks For Your Participation!*
> Yes, *Thanks For Your Participation!*
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Thanks to everybody indeed.
Stay tuned, as we are about to announce the official debut of Noa of Arc.
P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God") which means
"See you when we will all get together back next to God".
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 9 Sep 2017 02:48:22
Message: <59b38eb6$1@news.povray.org>
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On 8-9-2017 18:01, Normand Briere wrote:
> Thanks to everybody indeed.
> Stay tuned, as we are about to announce the official debut of Noa of Arc.
> http://www.noaofarc.ca
> Normand
> P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God") which means
> "See you when we will all get together back next to God".
...and that is exactly what is meant for the TC-RTC.
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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 9 Sep 2017 04:01:26
Message: <59b39fd6$1@news.povray.org>
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On 08/09/2017 17:01, Normand Briere wrote:
> P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God") which means
> "See you when we will all get together back next to God".
I prefer au revoir.
See you.
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From: Thomas de Groot
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 9 Sep 2017 07:06:33
Message: <59b3cb39$1@news.povray.org>
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On 9-9-2017 10:01, Stephen wrote:
> On 08/09/2017 17:01, Normand Briere wrote:
>> P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God")
>> which means
>> "See you when we will all get together back next to God".
> I prefer au revoir.
The meaning is not as dramatic as Normand wants to suggest :-)
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From: Stephen
Subject: Re: TC-RTC: Challenge 1 & 2: Final Results and.... ADIEU!
Date: 9 Sep 2017 07:45:13
Message: <59b3d449$1@news.povray.org>
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On 09/09/2017 12:06, Thomas de Groot wrote:
> On 9-9-2017 10:01, Stephen wrote:
>> On 08/09/2017 17:01, Normand Briere wrote:
>>> P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God")
>>> which means
>>> "See you when we will all get together back next to God".
>> I prefer au revoir.
> The meaning is not as dramatic as Normand wants to suggest :-)
So I surmise. Years ago I worked with a French speaking Canadian. He
told me that Parisians find Canadian French sounds like 17th Century
French. Quaint!
But then how many people know that "goodbye" is an abbreviation of "God
be with ye (you) or Goody* an abbreviation of Goodwife?
See Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"
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Thomas de Groot <tho### [at] degroot org> wrote:
> On 8-9-2017 18:01, Normand Briere wrote:
> >
> > Thanks to everybody indeed.
> >
> > Stay tuned, as we are about to announce the official debut of Noa of Arc.
> >
> > http://www.noaofarc.ca
> >
> >
> > Normand
> > P.S. "Adieu" in French is a very powerful word (literally "To God") which means
> > "See you when we will all get together back next to God".
> >
> ...and that is exactly what is meant for the TC-RTC.
> >>
> >> I prefer au revoir.
"Au revoir" would have worked, but I am fine with the usage of "adieu" in this
I just pointed it out because I don't think most people could fully grasp the
here. The closest in English is "farewell" of "goodbye".
> But then how many people know that "goodbye" is an abbreviation of "God
> be with ye (you) or Goody* an abbreviation of Goodwife?
> *
> See Arthur Miller's "The Crucible"
I didn't know all these details about it for sure. But my theory on this is a
bit different.
The fact is that "bye" means "au revoir" which in turn means "see you"
this is the common usage.
However if "bye" can also mean "let us leave each other" (for some time),
"goodbye" for me
would simply sound more definitive: "bye for good".
At least, this would be the correct translation of "adieu" according to what I
know about both
French and English.
But don't worry, "ce n'est qu'un au revoir", this ain't good-bye!
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