On Sat, 26 Jan 2008 03:08:53 -0500, Ian Burgmyer <spe### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
>> We must read different books but I do remember that laptop :)
>Ohhhh yes, it was a monster.
There is a generation gap here :) I thought Alienware was a super duper OS from
"elsewhere" :)
>I got to take my friend's apart once.
When I get a new one I intend to strip down my laptop and clean it till it dies
>> And the lens don't forget the lens.
>That was included with my camera. $550 paid for a kit containing the
>camera, a lens, some software, USB->mini-USB cable, a battery, a battery
>charger, and the manual.
>All I had to buy was the SD card and a bag.
I meant that the production costs of the camera should have a large proportion
allocated to the lens.
>>> Ah well, I'm still going to be in Tampa for about a month and a week, so
>>> it's all good.
>> It sounds so exotic :)
>The appeal wore off already. :)
>Tampa reminds me a lot of Boardman, OH, in a lot of ways. Even so, I'm
>not about to complain about the weather down here.
>Let's just say, my parents are dealing with this:
>I'm "suffering" through this:
>(both TinyURLs point to accuweather.com)
I'm sure that you can cope :)
>> That is a long course it must cover a lot?
>Yeah, we go over quite a bit. They also drill a lot of stuff into our
>heads. Lots of hands-on stuff, soldering to TVs, VCRs, and such, making
>sure our equipment isn't too obvious, doing a little bit of quick
>paperwork...it's kinda fun, really.
>We're also covering two different systems, hence the eight week training
>I've only shocked myself twice so far (low voltage, low amperage...no
>worries). ;]
Respect! :)
Who cares about the voltage? It only hurts. :-)
It certainly wakens you up, though.
"Here and now".
"Here and now".
>> Is it a campus and do you get out at night? :)
>Yessir, and oh yes.
>I'm in the campus in Oldsmar, FL. Here's a night shot of it:
>The part that's sort of rough is that my class hours are 5pm-2am. Very eww.
They seem strange hours for a college, to me. I can't believe that studding at
those times would be conducive to understanding.
I would need to go into "Nightshift" mode. How do you cope with that?
>Ah well, I have but five weeks left. =)
A day less now :)
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