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14 Nov 2024 23:10:49 EST (-0500)
  Re: Music selection  
From: Stephen
Date: 10 Feb 2008 09:53:47
Message: <e43uq317s6adgqv6vad1fq3h5go09u7irq@4ax.com>
On 8 Feb 2008 16:01:19 -0500, Jim Henderson <nos### [at] nospamcom> wrote:

>Oh, I see what you mean.  You have to understand, though, that I worked 
>in a factory while in college assembling paint sprayers; there were those 
>who were content to just follow a set of instructions from 7-4 every day, 
>and then leave the factory and live their lives; work was a means to a 
>living, rather than being their life.  There's a certain appeal to that.

There is at that. :)

>The danger with just going in and doing a job like that is that you can 
>be laid off, and if your skills are specialized (in that you do one set 
>of things day in and day out for, say, 15 years), that makes things 
>difficult when you try to find something else to do.

Very true

>>>I'm happy to talk either politics or religion.  Maybe that's why I don't
>>>have a lot of friends. ;-)
>> Maybe you weren't brought up in a region that was renowned for violence
>> and religious bigotry. I was and it is taboo for a very good reason IMO.
>> Although I understand others feel differently.:)
>I was raised Lutheran; make of that what you will. :-)  I'm *mostly* non-
>religious these days, truth be told.

I don't make much of it actually :) mainly because like you I am not religious. 

>>>I'm having a great debate right now with someone about the relative
>>>merits of calling Wicca a religion (he doesn't believe it is, and he's
>>>wrong <g>)
>> It is not surprising to me that the "Old Religion" is not considered a
>> religion by some.
>Same here.  Though arguably, Wicca itself is relatively new (founded in 
>the '50s), but based on far older traditions.

made a goode movie - The Wicca man :)

>> and the US armed forces holding weekly services for those who
>Who.....?  I think you forgot to finish a sentence here. <g>

Oops! copy and paste error. Your text :)

>You'd better believe it.  He's now taking to schoolyard tactics and 
>really making himself look foolish in the process.

You are winning :)

>Wow, that's really something.  I think we're in (outside of our primary 
>mortgage - we have an equity line as well) about $70K, but *most* of that 
>is secured debt.  Only about $15K is unsecured credit card debt, and the 
>majority of that will be paid off in the next 90 days (tax refund).

Just over 10 years ago I got made redundant with a good package. Since then I've
not had any major debts. 

>> It looks like its going to Hades in a wheelbarrow. :) But then I've been
>> hearing that all my life. If you extrapolate that back there must have
>> been a Golden Age :-)
>LOL; why did I just think of "The Pirate Planet"?

I don't know. The idea goes back before Dr Who.

>>>Yep.  I have to admit that I'm concerned about my retirement fund;
>> I've decided to work until I die. :)
>> But then I like my work. Thinking about it I just like working :)
>Same here; though oddly I'm here instead of doing the stuff I need to 
>just at the moment. :-)


>Same here.  My dad and I had a chat not long before he passed away a 
>couple years ago; he confided in me that if he had it to do again, he 
>would have been less loyal to his employer (not to say "disloyal" by any 
>means - he certainly was honourable and would have been regardless) 
>because it's not a reciprocated loyalty.  He worked for the same company 
>for decades only to have them pull the rug out from under the retirees.  
>Fortunately, dad kept *everything* about post-retirement benefits, so 
>they did get a payout in the end, but not without a big legal battle.

Don't you love our lords and masters :)

>> And as my old granny used to say. "What's for you, won't go past you."
>Your granny sounds like a wise woman.

Well that is an attitude designed to keep people in their places, I feel.

>> The brotherly thing to do, IMO. :)
>> Keep us posted it sounds like it could be Pov-Con on a world tour. :)
>I will - it's always fun to meet online friends IRL.  Most of my longtime 
>online friends are here next month, and I have a get-together at my place 
>for them.  Wouldn't have it any other way. :-)

I think that I've only met one. That was Tom Melly who has drifted away from

>Well, just remember, we're all unique, just like everyone else. ;-)

Unless you're a clone :)


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