POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Deleting triangles : Deleting triangles Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:34:25 EST (-0500)
  Deleting triangles  
From: Johannes Bretscher
Date: 3 Jan 2002 07:47:46
Message: <cqj11a.lnl.ln@cthulhu.hans.5sl.org>
I wrote a macro to build a mesh from mathematic formulas. Is it
possible to delete some triangles from tihs mesh, i.e. to cut a hole
in the generatet surface?


#macro q(s)(s*s)#end union{#declare C=-1;#while(C<1)sphere{<512*(11*C-9)/q(121*C
7.5,20>.3}#declare C=C+.01;#end pigment{color x}}light_source{-4*x 1}

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