Thomas de Groot wrote:
> Really excellent render!!
> Like you say, bathymetric data is missing, unfortunately. I have been
> looking everywhere for that, but it is not readily available on the net, it
> seems, except for some more or less detailed maps. In any case, bathymetry
> for coastal regions would then still be a problem, at least till about the
> 20m depth contour, as ships rarily go there for measurements. However, there
> must be satellite data somewhere. Not made public for strategic reasons? I
> wonder.
There exists no accurate underwater relief information (and i am not
aware of any reliable method to determine water depth from space) but
that's also not the problem. The problem is to determine the exact
waterline - in many regions the height difference on the land near the
coast is similar to the noise on the water (i.e. a few meters). You can
of course see the water line on satellite images but using this to
modify the height map requires a lot of hand work.
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Last updated 23 Sep. 2004 _____./\/^>_*_<^\/\.______
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