I have found a bug in the blob pigment, in parstxtr.c, in the function
Parse_Pattern(), the lines:
newComponent->falloff = Parse_Float();
need to be removed for each component type. These are lines 909-910 and
937-938 in my copy of the source.
This happened when I moved the falloff value to the density function, I
made the necessary modifications to the blob pattern portion but forgot
the blob pigment portion.
And a progress report on the documentation: I am almost finished, I just
need to do a lot of formatting.
However, I am debating whether to just do a release of this patch, or to
wait until the next version of the MegaPatch is released and integrate
most of my stuff into that. (then what should I call my patch?
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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