In article <38596824.1F573B72@isd.net>, lfo### [at] isdnet wrote:
> First of all, how do I make angle-dependent equations, such as helixes,
> when isosurface doesn't support atan2?
Um, atan2 is supported-at least, it seems to be in the Multipatch. And
there are also:
sin asin sinh asinh
cos acos cosh acosh
tan atan tanh atanh
and a few others, these are just the trig functions.
You might want to check out the built in library functions too, there
are some for making helixes in there.
> Second, how do I add or subtract equations, to do stuff like blobbing?
With the + and - operators. :-)
If you have two functions that are #defined, say MyFuncA and MyFuncB, do
something like
function {MyFuncA(x, y, z) + MyFuncB(x, y, z)}
Also try using * and & for multiplication and boolean AND.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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