In article <8ED7C9C44seed7@>, ing### [at] homenl (ingo)
> From the MegaHelp:
> "The facets texture is designed to be used as a normal. Like bumps or
> wrinkles, it is not suitable for use as a pigment. .."
> "Not suitable", does this also mean it can't be used as a pigment?
> If I try, WinMegaPov gives a rendering error: problem in Evaluate_TPat.
Hmm, bumps just behaves like bozo when used in a pigment, and I often
use wrinkles as a pigment.
But facets is not defined as an ordinary pattern, the function
Evaluate_TPat() doesn't know what to do with it when it gets that type.
It is handled in the surface normal code instead. I don't know how it
could be used as a pigment or anything else other than a normal...maybe
it could return a value between 0 and 1 depending on the angle between
the normal perturbed with "facets" and the actual normal, but it
wouldn't look like facets. The crackle pattern with "solid" turned on(or
the blotches pattern) is more useful for that.
I think it should be defined in some way for pigments though, or at
least have a parse-time error generated when someone tries to use it in
this way.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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