In article <38698759.90BDCD6B@pacbell.net>, lin### [at] povrayorg
> Benchmark testing generaly relies on the amount of time it takes
> to render a given scene. If one were to design a scene that was
> parsing intensive rather than render intensive how well would it
> evaluate a systems performance ?
> For example I designed this scene to take exactly 30 sec. to parse
> on my system. There is a camera added simply to ensure that it was
> not pointed at any object and there are no lights added so that I
> rendered a black screen only. Render time at 640x480 with aa = 0.3
> was only 8 sec. which is inconsequential. A pigment was added to
> the object to ensure that no CPU cycles were spent on sending no
> pigment warnings messages to the message window for each object
> created by the scene code.
> camera {location < 0, 0, -3 >look_at z*-6}
> #declare A = 0;
> #while (A<29500)
> sphere{<0,0,A>,1 pigment{rgb 1}}
> #declare A=A+1;
> #end
With the official 3.1g.r2, cache set to maximum:
Time For Parse: 0 hours 0 minutes 13.0 seconds (13 seconds)
Time For Trace: 0 hours 0 minutes 8.0 seconds (8 seconds)
Total Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 21.0 seconds (21 seconds)
With MacMegaPOV:
Time For Parse: 0 hours 0 minutes 14.0 seconds (14 seconds)
Time For Trace: 0 hours 0 minutes 1.0 seconds (1 seconds)
Total Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 15.0 seconds (15 seconds)
My computer is a Power Macintosh G3 266 "beige" desktop, with 96MB RAM,
booting from an external SCSI 9.1GB LaCie hard drive. The OS I ran these
tests under is Mac OS 8.6(I haven't gotten Mac OS 9 yet, and have been
too busy to do anything with LinuxPPC).
I would suggest a scene file that does some more complex calculations
instead of just creating a bunch of objects.
Chris Huff
e-mail: chr### [at] yahoocom
Web page: http://chrishuff.dhs.org/
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