POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : 2D line drawing? : Re: 2D line drawing? Server Time
5 Nov 2024 01:26:07 EST (-0500)
  Re: 2D line drawing?  
From: Christopher James Huff
Date: 11 Aug 2002 21:56:12
Message: <chrishuff-AD6C77.20442511082002@netplex.aussie.org>
In article <3d570c47$1@news.povray.org>,
 "Dennis Miller" <dhm### [at] attbicom> wrote:

> What's the easiest way to create a simple vertical or horizontal solid line
> in POV?

Probably a very thin cylinder. The standard screen.inc include file 
would be helpful in positioning it, just make it thin enough to look 
like a line but not so thin it can't be rendered accurately. Set the 
diffuse to 0 and ambient to 1 in the finish to make it unaffected by 

> Wouldn't a "line" object be useful:
> line {line_start, line_end; width}
> or something like that? I don't want to have to use the edge of a 3D object
> to get this effect.

No, simply because that isn't how POV generates the images. It doesn't 
draw stuff on the image, it traces rays through the 3D scene for each 
pixel. Where would a 2D "line" object go?
This is something you would generally use post-processing for.

Christopher James Huff <cja### [at] earthlinknet>
POV-Ray TAG: chr### [at] tagpovrayorg

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