In article <3c4c286d$1@news.povray.org>,
"Anders K." <and### [at] prostard2gcom> wrote:
> To make it more clear, this script:
> #debug concat(str((<1, 0, 0> + t*1).t, 0, -1), "\n")
> #debug concat(str((<1, 0, 0> + 1*t).t, 0, -1), "\n")
> outputs:
> 1.000000
> 0.000000
> even though the two results should be identical.
The problem seems to be that "1" gets expanded to "< 1, 1, 1, 0, 0>",
this works as expected:
#declare FourD1 = < 1, 1, 1, 1>;
#debug concat(str((<1, 0, 0> + t*FourD1).filter, 0, -1), "\n")
#debug concat(str((<1, 0, 0> + FourD1*t).filter, 0, -1), "\n")
So at least there's a workaround...
Christopher James Huff <chr### [at] maccom>
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