POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Just an observation : Re: Just an observation Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:35:19 EST (-0500)
  Re: Just an observation  
From: Lutz Kretzschmar
Date: 5 Jul 2001 06:50:24
Message: <bgh8kt4nhbgs95vju70dtmofkj9fod7pic@4ax.com>
Hi Edward Leibnitz, you recently wrote in irtc.stills:

> Moray leaves you with cylinders and spheres that are placed in location like
> x = 3.232345 y = 2.4356322 z = 7.342345 which is useless if you want to
> "pop" the code into the POV- Ray editor and start programming your CSG's.
I always work with a Snap of 0.1, so I always have coordinates like
<3.2, 2.4, 7.3>. I don't like 8 decimal points either :-)  It is
neccessary sometimes when you place things that are rotated or that
should touch some other object at a weird angle. But it still beats
doing the trig :-)

- Lutz
  email : lut### [at] stmuccom
  Web   : http://www.stmuc.com/moray

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