Wasn't it Thorsten Froehlich who wrote:
>In article <Wif### [at] econymdemoncouk> , Mike Williams
><mik### [at] nospamplease> wrote:
>> Whatever happened to
>> Isosurface *disappears* at high resolution (fwd)
>> http://news.povray.org/3bb0b351@news.povray.org
>> ?
>> Does it perhaps need more confirmation, and if so in what way?
>Not a bug, but a limit in the crackle function when used with isosurfaces.
What? It's considered perfectly OK for the crackle pattern to completely
disappear over 63% of the image because the root solver has a bit of a
problem with one pixel? I claim that it's still a bug. All the relevant
variables should be reset after the troublesome pixel, and it should
attempt to render the rest of the image rather than giving up
I also don't believe that anyone has actually produced any evidence that
the effect is related to the crackle pattern. Whatever is causing it is
quite rare and it just happen by chance that the only scene file that
provokes the disappearance contains crackle.
Mike Williams
Gentleman of Leisure
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