"Tim Nikias" <tim### [at] gmxde> wrote in news:3e521bf8@news.povray.org:
> I've written that system already with POV-SDL some
> time ago, but never managed to clean the code and
> make it available to public. The nice thing about it
> is its in-between-steps. I've set up some animations
> on my homepage, look under Animations.
> But how did you process the points for the connections
> with cylinders?
> --
Well, once I've got the distributions, I calculate the minimum distance
between two points, then I iterate through all the possible couple of
points; if the distance between them is less than 1.5 the minimum distance,
I connect the point with a cylinder.
I can't simply connect the couple that are *exactly* at the minimum
distance, because the triangles are not exactly regular; that's occours
only with platonic solids.
1.5 is the magic number that I've found working with all my examples.
By the way, I've made another little tool to generate a triangle mesh; here
are an example. In this tool, I search triplet of point within
1.5*minimum_distance to make a triangle.
The tools, and the source code, are posted on povray.binaries.utilities.
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