POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Shell-out to OS? : Re: Shell-out to OS? Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:42:57 EST (-0500)
  Re: Shell-out to OS?  
From: Philippe Lhoste
Date: 17 Oct 2002 09:18:51
Message: <Xns92AA9B8C8870EPhiLho@>
"How Camp" <kro### [at] hotmailcom> wrote in

> Hmm.  So I tried the following INI setting (on win2k):
> Pre_Scene_Command=c:\WINNT\system32\notepad.exe
> I've also checked the I/O options to make sure that 'disable starting
> other programs' is not checked.
> Alas, notepad.exe is not started, as I would expect.

I tried on WinNT4 the following line:

where MicroWav is a small program that play a wav file and exit.

I hear the sound before the scene rendering... So basically, it is working 
fine, you should check your settings, etc.

OK, to be sure, I also tried:
Pre_Scene_Command=D:\Programmes\USons\Tom's MIDI Player.exe 
D:\Programmes\USons\Addams Family.mid

where Tom's MIDI Player as a GUI. Same here, I didn't even had to put 
quotes around the path which has spaces...

I have put the first command as Post_Scene_Command and the second one as 
is, and it still works... Of course, you have to close the GUI before the 
rendering goes.

> Really?  So, the output from the shell program must somehow generate
> the proper error code for POV to understand?  The manual talks about
> returning a non-zero codes, but not what they should be (other than
> POV generating 0, 1, or 2 itself).

In Dos lingo, the error code is called errorlevel. That's a code returned 
(return n in main() or exit(n) elsewhere, or Windows API equivalent: 
ExitProcess(n)) by any well behaved program.

By tradition, or standards, 0 means OK, no problem, any other values mean 
there is a problem, the value usually carrying some information, depending 
on the program itself. No standard here.

Philippe Lhoste (Paris -- France)
Professional programmer and amateur artist

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