Mike Williams <mik### [at] nospamplease> wrote in
news:3BA### [at] econymdemoncouk:
> Thorsten says "Not properly confirmed. Just being able to reproduce the
> exact behavior is not enough. At least a tiny bit of experimentation
> should be done to be able to say it is a bug and not a precision
> problem."
I'm wondering just what kind of precision he has in mind if blatant
lighting errors as a result of using rotate x*90 (that's with zero decimal
places) can be dismissed as a precision problem. This kind of reasoning is
getting close to defining -1^(1/2)=3 as correct.
Working with the example scene, it's plainly obvious that the lighting
calculations break down on the beveled portions of the prism when the prism
is transformed to face the camera. This problem depends on the
orthographic camera and on the prism being transformed to face the camera
head-on by using either rotate x*90 or a matrix.
The prism is lit correctly if it is rotated by 90.01 or 89.99 degrees (if
using rotate), if a shear component is introduced into the second row of
the matrix (if using a matrix transform), or if the perspective camera is
Simplified scene, with matrix transform:
light_source {<10, 10, 50> rgb 1}
camera {orthographic location z*4 look_at 0 right x*3 up y*3}
1, .5, 5, <-1, -1>, < 1, -1>, <1, 1>, <-1, 1>, <-1,-1>
// rotate x*-90
pigment {rgb 2}
background {rgb 0.25}
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