POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : I need help POVing this shape... - 1 attachment : I need help POVing this shape... - 1 attachment Server Time
2 Nov 2024 05:22:44 EDT (-0400)
  I need help POVing this shape... - 1 attachment  
From: Rich
Date: 27 Dec 2001 07:55:00
Message: <Xns91843C367CEA3spammindspringcom@>
I'm trying to produce some visuals of a custom fish tank, and I'm not 
having much luck so far.  The tank is a quarter cylinder, with one of the 
flat sides extended out (see attached image, the dashed line is just to 
highlight the shape).  I've tried straight CSG using merge, but where the 
quarter cylinder and the box merge you can see where they meet!  If I make 
the box a little bit bigger, so that there are no coincident surfaces, there 
is a noticable ridge where the curve meets the box.
  I'm wondering if a prism shape would be better, but I have no idea if this 
shape is possible with a prism.  I also need to be able to replicate the 
shape for CSG, to remove all but just the thin walls of the tank, and to add 
  Another way to do this would be to make the walls and floor seperately, 
but I have no idea how to make a quarter circle with one arm extended, and 
this MUST be one seamless piece.

  For the curious, the tank is 36 inches along the back, 28 inches along the 
side.  The quarter cylinder has a radius of 28 inches.  The tank will be 24 
or 36 inches high (I haven't decided yet).  It'll be a reef tank.  Are there 
any POV objects of corals and other marine creatures available?  I know 
someone named "smb" was working on something like this several years ago, 
based on messages on this server, but I can't find any references to that 
project on the web.

Rich Allen
(Remove SPAM from my address to reply by e-mail)

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