POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : a access problem as NT-User : Re: a access problem as NT-User Server Time
5 Nov 2024 05:25:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: a access problem as NT-User  
From: QQ
Date: 7 Sep 2001 01:02:30
Message: <Xns9115A9906BF1CQ@>
Ken <tyl### [at] pacbellnet> wrote in news:3B9821DF.A3C1118B@pacbell.net:

> Francois Labreque wrote:
>> Couldn't the install program ask if you want to instal a "personal" or
>> "global" copy of the software? 
> Would the average Win 95-98 user know the terminology and be reasonably
> expected to choose correctly ? The answer is no.

Given that 9x/ME varients of Monopoly OS doesn't have any real multiuser 
support in the first place, why would the install routine even ask that 
question in a 9x/ME environment?

Only ask that question when the installer is running under a multiuser 
varient of Monopoly OS (e.g. NT/Win2k); it's much more likely that anyone 
who users a multiuser varient of Monopoly OS will know how to pick the 
correct answer.

Don't cripple the software just because the average luser can't tell his 
burro from a burrow.

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