POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : Just an observation : Re: Just an observation Server Time
23 Dec 2024 15:25:21 EST (-0500)
  Re: Just an observation  
From: Simon de Vet
Date: 1 Sep 2001 22:00:46
Message: <Xns910FEA4C65364sdevetistarca@>
"Zero" <Zer### [at] yahooNOSPAMcom> wrote in news:3b42206e$1@news.povray.org:

> "ingo" <ing### [at] homenl> schreef in bericht
> news:Xns### [at] povrayorg...
>> I like to have a peek at the if there is something in an image that
>> interests me. Not to copy the tricks, just to see how people aproched
>> a problem. To me this is one of the most attractive aspects of the
>> IRTC. With the use of modelers etc. there isn't much code to see
>> anymore. 
>> Ingo
> Agreed.  A file generated by a modeller only shows the end result, not
> the way that result was reached.

This is why I think people should expand on the idea of "source code" when 
it comes to modellers.

I'm a heavy Moray and Rhino user, so my source is often too large to 
include. However, a series of Work in Progress images, imagemaps, closeups 
of objects, textures, etc, can still demonstrate many of the tricks. Plus, 
this can be appreciated by all users. 

While we POVers are dismayed at the lack of source from the more complex 
modelers, I'm sure a lot of them regret that the POV source provided has no 
real meaning. POV source is great, but it should always be suplemented by 
more generic information.

-- Simon

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