POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : How to close message window? : How to close message window? Server Time
25 Feb 2025 10:11:46 EST (-0500)
  How to close message window?  
From: Alan Corey
Date: 29 Nov 1997 21:22:45
Message: <Pine.D-G.3.91.971129211605.6447A-100000@unix1>
I've looked but all I can find is how to clear messages.  Is there a way 
to close the message window in PovWin?  I don't usually do a complete 
render unless I think the scene's reasonably correct and hit Alt-G when 
I've seen the part I'm looking for.  I probably should be specifying the 
region to render with command line switches but that takes too much 
foresight.  :-)

Any help appreciated.  


      Alan Corey

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