POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.windows : Scaling a cylinder in a blob moves it(!?) : Scaling a cylinder in a blob moves it(!?) Server Time
25 Feb 2025 10:03:24 EST (-0500)
  Scaling a cylinder in a blob moves it(!?)  
From: Alan Corey
Date: 17 Nov 1997 20:15:43
Message: <Pine.D-G.3.91.971117200126.6976A-100000@unix1>
Has anyone else had this experience?  I'm using PovWin 3.02 and I was 
trying to scale a cylinder into something resembling a plank only to have 
it translated rather than scaled.

Something like cylinder{<0,0,0>,<1,0,0>.......scale<1,1,10>.... will push 
it back 10 units in a positive z direction.

Is scale not supposed to be used in a blob?  I do appreciate the program 
very much, I just wish more shapes could be used within blobs.  Glass 
blobs are interesting.

   Alan Corey

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