In article <3c07bf45@news.povray.org>, Tin### [at] hotmailcom says...
> After a bit of testing, the second scene uses an ambient of 20. The
> reflection in the centre sphere is now more like we want, a bright visible
> orange compared to the rest of the reflection. But now, because of colour
> clipping, the actual lightbulb and the reflection in the left spere are no
> longer orange, but are now yellow (i.e., rgb<1,0.5,0>*20=rgb<20,10,0>
> becomes rgb<1,1,0>)
I know that problem. What I do, is not using values like <1,.5,0> but
<1,.5,.01>. The advantage is, that when the color values get clipped, it
will fade to white, instead to yellow, wich is more realistic
(overexposed spots in photographs also usually become white).
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