> I am neither able to reproduce it...
I am: I just did the following on an iMac (G3 400MHz, 320MB RAM, MacOS 9.2.2
US) that has never seen POV-Ray in its life:
o download and install a fresh copy of POV-Ray
o doubleclick "perspective.pov" from scenes: camera:
o add the "include" folder to the Include Paths in the Preferences dialog
o open the render settings dialog, go to the "Output" tab, check the
"Partial Image" box, and close the dialog
open input file." in the Messages window with a stop sign in front of each.
o open the render settings dialog, go to the "Quality" tab, check the
"Anti-Aliasing" box, and close the dialog
Messages window says in the last "Tracing Options":
o open the render settings dialog, go to the "Output" tab, click "Set Size",
delete the zero of "120", type it again, click "OK" and close the dialog.
o open the render settings dialog, choose "Default" from the popup, close
the dialog
o click on the partial image widget in the image window that is still
activated to deactivate it, then once again to activate it again
o start a render - Could not find file 'OBJECT.POV'.
> ...nor does the code do anything that could cause this.
I've just found out that "OBJECT.POV" is the default filename the renderer
assumes when it doesn't get any other, so this too seems to be a problem of
arguments not getting passed correctly from the GUI to the renderer. (OK,
you probably knew that, so take it as a loud thought rather than a helpful
hint :) )
> It could just be that your preferences are corrupted.
Not likely, as the above shows. And trashing the prefs didn't help on my
powerbook (G3 266, 192MB RAM, MacOS 9.2.2 US, by the way), where I
originally observed the problem, either.
Good luck in locating that bug, don't feel pressed by me, and let me know if
I can do anything to help you!
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