POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.beta-test : Mac GUI partial image oddities : Mac GUI partial image oddities Server Time
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  Mac GUI partial image oddities  
From: Christian Walther
Date: 27 Jan 2002 04:09:50
Message: <B8798284.2B13%cwalther@gmx.ch>
Some strange behavior I observed in the Mac GUI related to partial image
rendering (I don't know if that's your priority at the moment, I thought I'd
report it anyway):

In a scene file that has its render settings set to "Default" (either
because it doesn't contain settings resources or because you chose "Default"
from the popup in the Render Settings dialog), if you turn on partial
rendering either from the Render Settings dialog or from the image window
widget (but don't change the partial image size that is initially set to
cover the whole image) and then try to render, it fails to parse and render
outputting "Could not find file 'OBJECT.POV'" (sic!) and "Cannot open input

It works normally however after the first time you change the partial image
size (in the image window or in the Render Settings dialog), even if you
change it back to full image as it was.

If the scene is in such a state where it doesn't render, and you then switch
on antialiasing, it suddenly does render, but without antialiasing. It seems
that antialiasing is on from the point of view of the GUI (as seen in the
render settings dialog) but off from the point of view of the renderer (as
seen in the console output and of course the image). The same thing when you
start with antialiasing on with an image rendering normally and then you
switch on partial image rendering without changing the initial size.

Summarized, there seems to be something wrong with the initial partial image
size that gets set when you switch on partial image rendering with no
previous partial image size set.

The whole thing is still a little obscure to me and I don't know if I've
figured it all out. But let's first see what the people in knowledge of the
source have to say.

And one other little thing I found out when investigating the above: If
partial image rendering is on and you go to the Render Settings dialog and
choose "Default" from the popup, the image window doesn't reflect the fact
that partial image rendering is off now.


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