POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : applying a design to light : Re: applying a design to light Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:05:10 EST (-0500)
  Re: applying a design to light  
From: David
Date: 22 Nov 2000 13:37:05
Message: <B6415250.3168%davidmccabe@mac.com>
I've done this before. I put a thin box in front of a spot light and put a
semi-transparant image map on it. Then, I placed an other box in front. This
gave me a large stick figure in a round light.
David McCabe
dav### [at] maccom
God is good! 

>> i was thinking about making a real projection.  is there a way of
>> giving a ray of like composition? like for example, in a smoky room,
>> it you turn on a projector, and place a design on it, you will se the
>> projector's ray breaking up into parts.  is there a way of doing this
>> pov-ray? or should i just place a semi-transparant plane with a
>> design on it in front of te light-source?  but this seems to be
>> taking too long in computing all the photons
> Shining the light through something is currently the only way to color
> the light. However, you only need photons for this if your light is
> being reflected or refracted in this scene.
> About the photon calculation, it sounds like you just put a plane object
> in front of the light. MegaPOV will fire photons at the whole object,
> since planes are infinite, you will get a lot of photons fired at
> portions of the object that won't effect the results, and a lot fired
> into space. Try a 0-thickness box instead, or triangles or a polygon.

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