POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : Angle : Re: Angle Server Time
5 Nov 2024 07:18:32 EST (-0500)
  Re: Angle  
From: ingo
Date: 21 Jun 2000 15:53:31
Message: <8F5AD42DCseed7@>
Remco Poelstra wrote:

>While I'm playing with the angle of the camera (see p.g), I was
>thinking: What is the difference between a small angle and placing the
>camera closer?
>I'm using the standard camera.
>Remco Poelstra

The perspective.
The perspective is determined by the distance camera to object, not the 
viewing angle.
Try this, make a box -1,1 and rotate it y*45, put the camera at a certain 
distance on -z, use a small view angle. Trace the image with a size of 

Now change the the angle to a bigger value. Trace the image a such a size 
that the hight of the box, in pixels, is the same as in the first picture. 
Cut out the 320x240 area around the box and save as a new picture.

Third picture is renderd at 320x240 again. For this one keep the angle, 
but move the camera so much closer to the box that the height, in pixels, 
is the same as in the previous pictures.

When you compare the three pictures, yo'll se that No1 & No2 are the same. 
In No3 the angles of the box seem to be sharper, change of perspective.

So, the perspective is determined by the camera to object distance. The 
angle of view is used to "zoom in/out" on the object/scene.


Photography: http://members.home.nl/ingoogni/
Pov-Ray    : http://members.home.nl/seed7/

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