POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.unofficial.patches : convolution matrix : Re: convolution matrix Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:53:19 EST (-0500)
  Re: convolution matrix  
From: ingo
Date: 26 Feb 2000 07:01:54
Message: <8EE68726Aseed7@>
Chris Huff wrote:

>Ah, I have used those before(GraphicConverter has them). This sounds 
>more like a post_process feature than a texture feature, though...
>But it seems odd to be limited to a float value for each pixel-why not 
>use a color vector instead? And maybe make the size user defined instead
>of fixed.

From the POV-doc on turbulence:
"It says in effect "Don't give me the color at this spot... take a few 
random steps in different directions and give me that color"."

I know very little of the way graphic software works. I was thinking, 
instead of taking the random steps of turbulence, take "defined" steps as 
in a convolution matrix.


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