On Wed, 19 Aug 2009 10:00:52 +0200, "Thomas de Groot"
<tDOTdegroot@interDOTnlANOTHERDOTnet> wrote:
>That's curious! I had not expected that. Any idea why?
Not an answer but it could be a hint.
If you split the rotate *360 into separate rotate x, rotate y, rotate z and
order them separately then adding the translation to the first rotate gives a
similar result.
#include "colors.inc"
camera {location <0,150,-150>
look_at <0,0,0>
light_source {<50,300,-100> colour White}
light_source {<-150,300,-100> colour White}
#declare Tree = sphere {<0,0,0>2 pigment {White}} ;
#local Num_Tree = 0 ;
// ------------------------------------------------------
#while (Num_Tree<5000)
#local rnd_tree = seed (Num_Tree);
object {Tree
translate y*60 // code C
rotate rand(rnd_tree) *y*360
rotate rand(rnd_tree) *z*360
rotate rand(rnd_tree) *x*360
#local Num_Tree = Num_Tree +1 ;
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