POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Heightfield Landscape : Re: Heightfield Landscape Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:33:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: Heightfield Landscape  
From: Thomas de Groot
Date: 1 Mar 2023 03:49:03
Message: <63ff117f$1@news.povray.org>
Op 28-2-2023 om 16:01 schreef Chris R:
> Good to see a flurry of new postings here.  This is something I've been working
> on for a few weeks using some code from Jaime Vives Piqueres to create
> isosurfaces using heightfield bitmaps.  His, of course, look great and render
> quickly.  Mine needs some work and take days to render.
LOL. Now, why do I find this familiar? ;-)

> My real purpose was to find ways to introduce some procedural values for the
> heightfield along with more randomly generated pieces from pigment maps.  The
> pigment that generates the heightfield has a function that makes sure there is a
> valley for the river to flow through with slopes on either side, along with a
> plateau for the road on either side, and then the randomness of a rocky surface.
>   This then lets me place a reasonable looking bridge to connect them.
Well done indeed. Not (yet) something I have tried out in this way (I 


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