POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : whither POV-Ray ?? : Re: whither POV-Ray ?? Server Time
18 Dec 2024 21:44:10 EST (-0500)
  Re: whither POV-Ray ??  
From: Ash Holsenback
Date: 25 Jul 2020 06:27:08
Message: <5f1c08fc@news.povray.org>
On 7/24/20 9:27 PM, jr wrote:
> Jim Henderson <nos### [at] nospamcom> wrote:
>> ...
>> Calling me a liar, however, when I haven't engaged in telling
>> falsehoods....That's a question of integrity.  You specifically called me
>> a liar for saying I wasn't a part of TAG, ...
> </sigh>
> # jr 21.7 2145
> you have admin privilege for the news server, and the wiki, afaik, and, guessing
> here, for the main website.
> # JH 21.7 2208
> I don't have admin privileges for the news server or the wiki (any more).
> # jr 21.7 2340
> can you even point to any ng post in the last, uh, four years or so, where you,
> or a member of the mysterious TAG, has asked for help with anything?
> # jr 22.7 1630
> so my understanding of NNTP is that once a post has "gone through", ...
> therefore, without admin privileges (or an indebted djinn) you, as "another end
> user", ought not to have been able to withdraw your post (with haste :-)).
> # JH 22.7 1727
> Your understanding of NNTP is incorrect.  No admin privileges are needed  to
> cancel your own posts or supersede them.  It's a common thing to do in the
> USENET world.
> # JH 22.7 2156
> I await your apology for insinuating that I lied to you about my role in the
> project.
> # JH 23.7 1513
> Your insinuation that I was lying about my involvement in the project  based on
> your total lack of comprehension as to how NNTP works is
> completely separate from...
> # JH 23.7 2345
> I know that you know, deep down, that you behaved badly - in name-calling and in
> calling me a liar in public about my role in the project.
> so those are the key sentences from the relevant posts.  I've done the legwork,
> now you do your bit.  not that it matters.  you, I suspect (and said before),
> are playing some kind of game (unfortunately; this thread really isn't helped by
> some .. drama queen getting over-emotional).  so, I'll be brushing off the muddy
> bits from my sleeves now, because I have better use for my time than to
> entertain a [insert your expletive of choice here].
> jr.

BOTH of you guys are spending WAY too much time on this...

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