POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Question about media_attenuation behavior. : Question about media_attenuation behavior. Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:21:32 EST (-0500)
  Question about media_attenuation behavior.  
From: William F Pokorny
Date: 21 Jan 2018 15:56:13
Message: <5a64fe6d$1@news.povray.org>
I was playing with scattering media today. I happened to stick my light 
source inside the media container and was surprised to find POV-Ray 
suddenly running orders of magnitude faster - seconds instead of minutes.

On digging it looks to me when media is inside a container and the light 
  outside, media_attenuation is on no matter the light source setting in 
the SDL. If the light source is inside the container, media_attenuation 
is off.

If we move the media block to the top level of the scene the 
media_attenuation keyword in any light source behaves as I expect. In 
other words, I can turn media attenuation on and off.

Is this the expected behavior for media_attenuation?

It goes back to 3.7.0 at least. I've for years assumed media_attenuation 
was off unless I turned it on whether or not I had a media container - 
and assumed that media was always really slow.

In the attached image, the light sources for the left column explicitly 
set media_attenuation on. The right column explicitly sets it off. The 
bottom and top row use a media {} block at the top of the scene hierarchy.

The middle two rows use a sphere as a container for the same defined 
media. The first two rows have the light at a position which places it 
inside the sphere container in row 2. The last two rows have the light 
position such that it is outside the containing sphere in row 3.

When the light is inside the container in row 2, media attenuation is 
always off no matter the setting. When the light is outside the 
container (the common use case I think) media_attenuation looks to 
always be on.

Bill P.

//---------- LightMediaAttenuationTest.pov ---------
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
#default { finish {ambient 0.0 diffuse 1.0} }
#declare Grey20 = srgb <0.2,0.2,0.2>;
background { color Grey20 }
#declare Camera00 = camera {
     location <2.7,2.7,-2.701>
     sky y
     angle 35
     right x*(image_width/image_height)
     look_at <0,0,0>
#declare VarDist = 0.207;
#declare VarDistRes = 0.02;
#declare VarDistPos = VarDist+(VarDistRes/2);
#declare White = srgb <1,1,1>;
#declare LightInsideAttenOff = light_source {
     <0.5,0.95,-0.5>, White
     fade_distance VarDistPos
     fade_power 2
     media_attenuation off
#declare LightInsideAttenOn = light_source {
     <0.5,0.95,-0.5>, White
     fade_distance VarDistPos
     fade_power 2
     media_attenuation on
#declare LightOutsideAttenOff = light_source {
     <0.5,1.05,-0.5>, White
     fade_distance VarDistPos
     fade_power 2
     media_attenuation off
#declare LightOutsideAttenOn = light_source {
     <0.5,1.05,-0.5>, White
     fade_distance VarDistPos
     fade_power 2
     media_attenuation on
#declare Red = srgb <1,0,0>;
#declare CylinderX = cylinder { -2*x, 2*x, 0.01 pigment { Red } }
#declare Green = srgb <0,1,0>;
#declare CylinderY = cylinder { -2*y, 2*y, 0.01 pigment { Green } }
#declare Blue = srgb <0,0,1>;
#declare CylinderZ = cylinder { -2*z, 2*z, 0.01 pigment { Blue } }
#declare BrightBlue = srgb <0.05882,0.2549,1>;
#declare Box00 = box {
     pigment { color BrightBlue }
#declare DensitySph = density {
     scale 0.4
     translate <0.5,0.5,-0.5>
     scale 3
     turbulence 0.35 octaves 6 omega 0.63 lambda 5
     scale 1/3
#declare Sphere00 = sphere { <0.5,0.5,-0.5>, 0.5 hollow }
#declare Media00 = media {
     method       3
     samples      100
     absorption   rgb <0,0,0>
     emission     rgb <0,0,0>
     scattering { 1, rgb <5,5,5> extinction 1 }
     density { DensitySph }
#declare Interior00 = interior { ior 1 media { Media00 } }
#declare Clear100 = srgbt <1,1,1,1>;
#declare PigmClear100 = pigment { color Clear100 }
#declare TxtrClear100 = texture { pigment { PigmClear100 } }
#declare MatrClear100 = material {
     texture { TxtrClear100 }
     interior { Interior00 }
#declare Obj00 = object { Sphere00 material { MatrClear100 } hollow }

//--- scene ---
camera { Camera00 }
object { Box00 }
object { CylinderX }
object { CylinderY }
object { CylinderZ }

//--- Use one of these
//    Inside position just inside top of Sphere00
//    Outside position just outside top of Sphere00
    light_source { LightInsideAttenOn }
// light_source { LightInsideAttenOff }
// light_source { LightOutsideAttenOn }
// light_source { LightOutsideAttenOff }

//--- Use one of these
// media  { Media00 } // Inside vs Outside means nothing to top media
    object { Obj00 }

//------ End of scene -------

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