Am 04.10.2017 um 13:47 schrieb Thomas de Groot:
> Aside: I have been playing a bit with object patterns but I must confess
> that I do not understand them... :-/
They're pretty simple:
- Just like the `brick` or `checker` patterns, the `object` pattern is a
"choose one of two" pattern (as opposed to a "choose from a map" pattern
like `gradient`).
- You specify an arbitrary solid shape (may be CSG) to govern the actual
pattern, and every point in pattern 3D coordinate space is textured
according to whether it would be inside that shape or outside.
Think of this pattern as follows:
- Take the object specified in the pattern.
- Using vacuum forming, create a template from the pattern object.
- Discard the pattern object.
- Pour material A into the template.
- Pour material B around the template.
This creates a solid block, partially made from material A, and
partially made from material B, which is now your texture (or pigment).
- From the resulting block, carve an entirely different shape (the
actual object that uses the `object` pattern)
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