Le 26/07/2017 à 16:15, clipka a écrit :
> Am 26.07.2017 um 04:42 schrieb Lars R.:
>> Is it planned to add a mandelbrot object primitive to Povray someday? It
>> should be much faster than the isosurface.
> There is currently no such plan. That doesn't mean it wont't happen, but
> the dev team's efforts are directed elsewhere, so somebody else would
> probably have to pick up that glove.
And it might help to provide the actual page(s) you used, as well as
some simple scene (with isosurface) to get a reference of parameters.
Mandelbrot & Julia are tricky beasts, there are a some interesting spots
surrounded by a lot of empty or trivial ranges. It's not like debugging
a cylinder.
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