POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : bright specks intersecting media objects : Re: bright specks intersecting media objects Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:49:14 EST (-0500)
  Re: bright specks intersecting media objects  
From: Alain
Date: 4 Jan 2017 20:04:53
Message: <586d9bb5$1@news.povray.org>

> Couldn't find a solution to this problem by changing media parameters so I
> wonder if it's possible to remove these specks at all or if there's a bug in the
> media code.
> For now I only found box and boxed pattern to be the worst but I've seen it to a
> lesser degree using sphere and spherical, also very much less using torus and
> toroidal warp.
> The rendering shown here was post-processed just to overlay a 10% transparent
> image from the intersection of the 2 boxes and how the specks mainly align with
> those mutual lines. However, 4 specks don't appear to coincide with intersecting
> surfaces (lower right).
> /* test boxed pattern media bright specks */
> //cmd:+oc:\renderings\testmediaspecks
> //cmd:+oc:\renderings\testmediaspecksintersect
> #version 3.7;
> camera {
>  location -x*4 look_at 0
>  up y
>  right image_width/image_height*x
>  //angle 30
> }
> // try with and without this scene container (camera inside)
> box{-9,9 hollow pigment{rgb 0.1}} // specks much more apparent
> #local Intersect=no; // check how boxes intersect?
> #if(Intersect=yes) intersection{ #end
> #for(It,0,1,1) // create multiple boxes
> box
> {
>  -1, 1
>  hollow on
>  pigment
>  {
>   rgbt 1
>  }
>  interior
>  {
>   media
>   {
>    emission <0.1,0.1,0.8>
>    //absorption 1
>    density
>    {
>     boxed // box pattern centered on <0,0,0>
>     density_map
>     {
>      [0 rgb 1] [0.1 rgb 0] [1 rgb 0]
>     }
>     //scale 1.01
>    }
>   }
>  }
>  rotate <30,30,30>*It
>  translate -<1,1,1>*It/2+<1,1,1>*It/2
> }
> #end
> #if(Intersect=yes) } #end

The first thing that I would do is try binding the boxes in a merge.
Another thing to try would be to slightly enlarge the containing boxes :
box{-1.01, 1.01 ...rest of the definition here...}
That also mean altering your density_map :
density_map{ [0 rgb 0][1e-6 rgb 1][0.1 rgb 0] }

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