POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.general : Povray features : Re: Povray features Server Time
21 May 2024 10:36:46 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Povray features  
From: tth
Date: 15 Sep 2016 07:43:03
Message: <57da8947$1@news.povray.org>
On 09/14/2016 06:07 PM, Bald Eagle wrote:
> tth <tth### [at] noneinvalid> wrote:
>>     Somethink like that ?
>>            http://la.buvette.org/vrac/composite.avi
> That is wicked cool.
> A very nice effect that probably took a lot of work to get to work, and likely a
> lot of rendering and post-processing time to make into the full animation.

    No postprocessing (except the green text made with mogrify) but some
    programming (I'm an unixman :) for driving povray.

    This job was made of a number of sequence from the same univers,
    with various angle of view.

    1) I have a text file with the name of sequence and the number of
       frames in that sequence who is transcoded in pov-csv file :

credits		aac	200
descente	desc	250
eglise		egl	300
       reponses.data -> awk -> reponses.text
"credits",           "aac_",   200.0,
"descente",          "desc",   250.0,
"eglise",            "egl_",   300.0,

    2) Drived by the first file, a Perl script make all the picz of
       all the sequences, so I get a bunche of .png with names like

    3) In the file composite.pov, I get the frame number with the
       clock variable, and I load the picz of others seqs with POV
       code like that :
#fopen reponses "reponses.text" read
#while (defined(reponses))
	#read (reponses, anim, v1, v2)
	#declare foo = strcmp(modele, anim);
	#if (foo = 0.0)
		#declare ltr = v1;
		#declare nbr = v2;
#fclose reponses
#declare idx = int(mod(clock, nbr));
#declare sidx = str(idx, -4, 0);
#declare nompng = concat("img/", ltr, sidx, ".png");

    4) And I can use the pre-computed frame as an image_map
       with a macro like that :

#macro Ecran(image)
box { <-4, 0.07, -3>, <4, -0.07, 3> }
pigment	{
	image_map { png image }
	rotate -x*90
	translate <-0.5, 0, -0.5>
	scale <8, 1, 6>

     The macro call :
union	{
	object { Ecran(nompng) }
	object { support }


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